Imagine: He asks you out

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Y/N- your name
Y/H/N- your horses name

Location: Clemens Point

I sat by the log near the huge lake at Clemens point, it was peaceful and quite, Jack would come around talk to you every now and again, "Y/N wheres Pa" He'd ask, "He's out I'm not sure where though but he will be back soon" I gave him a smile and he smiled and left, as I was about to drift off I hear a voice yelling at Micah so I listen in, 

"why don't you fck off back to Mexico?, eh" I heard Micah say to Javier, Javier stood up and moved closer to Micah, He then punched him in the face causing Micah to fall to the ground, "why don't you fck off back to hell" He said annoyed and angry back at Micah and stormed off near the jetty, I walked over to him

"Javier are you ok" I said as I was standing behind him, " No just Fcking Micah he gets up in everyones business and its annoying" he sat down staring into the water, "well thats normal for Micah to do that but I get your point" I look down fiddling with my fingers I feel his gaze resting on me, I decide to look up, we lock eyes for at least 5 seconds, "Well I have to go finish off some things" I tell Javier, "Sure" he nods and continues to look at the lake, but the thing i had to "finish" was going and talking to Micah about his problems, 

I look around for him till I hear more insults been thrown around knowing he'd be there, I go to where it happening and I see Micah and I grab him by his ear away from the others, "What the Fck Y/n" his hand goes up to his ear which is now sore from where i grabbed it, "Why the fck would you go around insulting everyone Micah, you've been here 6+ months and acting like you run the place almost when most of us have been here longer" I cross my arms, "aw little y/n is mad" He mocks my face that I have, I wasn't happy, "And why go tell Javier to fck off back to Mexico, thats too far Micah I want you to go back from where you came from" I felt the blood boiling inside of me, "You wish" He scoffed, Thats when I snapped and slapped him right across the face leaving a red mark behind, his hand feels his face, "FCK OFF BACK TO HELL WHY DON'T YOU" I yelled and Javier came running to me holding my shoulders and walking me away,

"What the hell was that for" He said sitting me down, "I felt like I needed to yell at him" I looked Straight into His dark eyes, He sat down in front of me on a chair and held my hands while looking at me, "Promise me this, Don't go hitting someone unless the really need it" His voice softened, "Sure, I promise" As I said that he slowly leaned in waiting for me to see If I'd lean in, I'd always had Feeling for Javier but I wasn't sure if he felt the same, I leaned in as well, his soft lips connecting with mine we kissed for a short time before we pulled apart, "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" He let go of my hands and looked down, I shook my head and smiled I grabbed his hands in mine again and lifted his chin to look at me, I kissed him again and pulled away "It's ok" He pulled me closer to him, "Hey Javier I-" Arthur said coming up, Javier pulled away "What Arthur" Javier looked at Arthur, "Never mind I'll ask later" He walked away, Javier looked back at me, "Can I ask you something Mi Señora?" He held my hands staring into my eyes, "Ask away" I looked into his eyes, "Will you be mine" He moved his chair closer to me, "Yes I will" We both kissed again getting us into a heated make-out, Dutch walks over coughing to get our attention, "Not here, go get a room" Dutch winks and walks away, I hide my face away in Javier's neck, He whispers down in my ear "I love you" Which makes me smile, I look up to him "I love you too" I peck his lips

OK so this one was a bit longer, but yea I enjoyed writing this one

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now