Imagine- Lookalike

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This is based on the song "lookalike" by Conan Gray

Y/N: your name

Relationship: Ex Lovers

Warning: sad

Location: Shady Belle

As I gazed over at Y/N there she was with Charles, it hurt to see her with him it really did. I think about the times we spent together before we fell out of love.

Let's go back to the summer night, when we met eyes, it's like a movie line. Kissin' underneath the city lights, but now you're laying in another guys arms. Cause I'm all gone

I felt Javiers gaze on me, I ignored it. We fell out of love all because lost feelings for each other. I felt he still had the feelings there for me.

Gazing up at Charles I saw the beauty in his eyes, as he smiled down at me my heart was racing.

She may not have the feelings anymore but I certainly do, what did I do wrong? All I want to know is there still feelings for me in her.

But when you look in his eyes, Do you think of mine?
And when you look at that smile, Do I cross your mind?
I know in your head, you see me instead
Cause he looks a lot like I did back then,
Baby don't lie he's just a lookalike

It was true, when I did look into Charles eyes it reminded me of Javiers, the dark brown eyes, Charles smile, gets me every time. Maybe I was wrong in leaving Javier, why oh why did I have to leave,

"Charles give me a minute I need to talk with Javier," I glanced up at him,

"That's ok," I broke free of his grasp and walked over to Javier

She walked over to me, I was sitting by the little house outback of the house. I was curious of what brought her over,

"Javier I was wrong in leaving you," she said it with such peace

Can't redo what's already done,
Can't compete because I've already won

"I'm sorry Y/N I can't take you back," I bowed my head down

"I still love you," I looked up at her

Sayin' this time "it's really love",
But honey you're not fooling anyone,
Don't you know we're done?

"I'm sorry Y/N but you fell out of love with me I can't take you back, you seem happier with Charles more than you were with me", I hold back the tears, I look towards the bayou where Strauss was by the house on the creek.

She nodded and left, I could hear her crying silently to herself.

Night was falling, instead of joining in on the camp I decided to stay back out here so I wouldn't face her or any questions.

It hurt, really bad. But it's what I get for leaving him, maybe he was right though. Was I happier with Charles more than I was with Javier?

He's just a lookalike

As I approached where everyone was Charles noticed the tears rolling down my face, his first instinct was to check if I was ok.

"Y/N what happened are you ok?," he placed both hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes,

"I'm fine Charles," I push past him and go to my area under the tree by the horses

As night took over the stars became more visible. I laid down on my back so I was looking at the stars, looking at them didn't help get Y/N off my mind,

And I'll admit that I sometimes, maybe might,
Think about you at night well, almost every night,
No matter how I try to hide,
And erase you from my mind,
I'm dying,
To find a lookalike

A year escapade from my eye rolling down my left cheek. I wish I did things right for her, where did I go wrong? What made her fall out of love? Is it something I said? It kills me inside seeing her talk to him.

All the memories flash back, us together riding our horses, swimming underneath a waterfall. Up until the day where I was gonna ask her to marry me she left me, it completely broke me inside tearing me to pieces. It's been 3 months since that, seeing her look into Charles eyes, seeing her a lot happier than she was with me,

Cause when you look in his eyes,
Hope you think of mine,
And when you look at the smile,
Hope I cross your mind,
I hope I'm your head,
You see me instead,
Cause you've been in mine everyday since then,
Maybe it's time to find a lookalike

I still love her,

No I can't lie,
I need a lookalike

I sat by the tree thinking of the times Javier and I shared, all the amazing times now gone because of me. I chose this, I broke him and I feel bad of that. But that's life, not everything is going to be perfect.

I felt someone sit beside me, I looked to see Charles. He gave me a warm smile and pulled me into a hug which felt amazing. I was happier with Charles.

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now