Preference: When he catches another guy looking at u

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- Usually it'd be Sean staring you down, when Javier catches him it doesn't end well
"Ey amigo go stare down Karen." Javier said whilst shooing him off away from you

- One time he caught Micah staring at you
"Vete a la mierda!" Javier would yell at him and Micah would walk off scoffing

- When one of them are looking he'd go behind you and snake his arms around your waist and kiss your neck looking at the guys, he could see the jealousy in their eyes and Javier would smirk at them knowing they'd never have you and you were all Javier's.

- He'd threaten any guy that would walk by in town and stare at you or he'd give them glares whilst he holds your hand

- You couldn't tell why he was so protective of you
"Javi why are you so protective of me?!" I asked confused. "Because you're all mine and no one else's and I don't want strangers staring you down like they do." As he says that he places a kiss on my forehead

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now