Imagine: Telling him you're pregnant

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Y/N- your name

Location: Shady Belle

The last place you'd wanted to be pregnant was in the camp, with all the maham that was going on with the Pinkertons you didn't want to raise a baby in this gang. Abigail would know what it's like only cause she raised Jack in this gang.

I woke up feeling hot, it was never cool down south in Lemoyne, especially being right next to the swamp. I wasn't just feeling hot I felt queasy and this had been going on for a few weeks now, Javier was starting to get worried about me. I run outside for the millionth time spewing my guts out and I felt a hand rub my back and hold my hair back, once I was done I looked to see Javi

"Baby are you sure your ok?" Just looking in his eyes they were full of worry, "Yes Javi I'm fine" i don't think he believed me. "Well I it's my turn on guard if you need anything please come talk to me mi Amor I'm worried about you" he says and places a kiss on my forehead and leaves. That's when Abigail came over, "y/n are you sure your ok" she sits me down, "honestly I don't know" I begin to tear up, "what if I'm dying" I manage to look at her, "is it just morning sickness" she asks holding my hands for comfort, "well yea" I wipe my tears away, "I had that with Jack when I was pregnant with him" what if I was pregnant, I wasn't showing any signs of it, the last time Javi and I did it was almost 3 maybe 5 weeks back we didn't have time with all this Pinkertons coming after us, "C-could I be pregnant?" I ask her nervously, "has your belly grown or are you showing any signs" she asked more quietly, making sure no one heard, "not yet", I look at my feet, "well keep checking" she smiles and gets up and walks off

—time skip 1 Month—
(Maybe a spoiler: they haven't done the Bank Heist yet)

I wake up and check my belly, I freeze when I realise my belly now has grown, "Abigail" I call her and she comes into my room like I was in danger, "yes what's wrong", she walks up to me, "am I-I pregnant?" I show her my belly, she nods "yes you are" she smiles a little, "what and how will I tell Javi" I start worrying, "walk out and tell him" she hugs me

I walk out of the torn down mansion to find Javier he obviously spots me before I find him, "Ah Cariña come here" he pulls me in for a hug, I hug him back he looks at me with his dark eyes seeing my worried expression, "what's wrong" he holds my hands looking into my eyes deeply, "I need to tell you something" I say with my voice cracking slightly, he leads me away from the Gang into a more private area by the trees, "tell me" his voice softened, I begin to shake from the worry of his reaction he noticed and holds me tight, "Javi I'm pregnant" I say quickly, he looks at me confused, "you're pregnant?" He asks just to be sure that's what I said and I nod in response not looking into his eyes,
I feel his hand lift my chin and pull me into a kiss whilst his other hand is on my waist and pulls me against him so we are touching, "I'm going to be a father" he says with a huge smile on his face, I was so happy that he was happy, "we will have a Escuella Jr running around here" I say and he chuckles, "we sure will love" he kisses me again

Javier Escuella imagines/prefrencesWhere stories live. Discover now