part 4

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Ant smiled to himself as he observed the look on Dec's face.

"Wow" Dec beamed "this place is amazing"

"It's just your average hotel room" Ant pointed out "nothing special"

"Well,it is to me" Dec grinned "especially after sleeping on the streets for months"

"Fair point" Ant nodded.

Dec then threw himself onto the king sized bed and let out a contented sigh.

"Oh my God" he giggled "so comfy"

He suddenly shot up off the bed and stood next to Ant staring at where he had just lay.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

"What?" Ant asked confused "what for?"

"I'm dirty" Dec replied sadly "I shouldn't have sat down until I'm clean"

"Oh Declan" Ant smiled sympathetically,while placing a comforting arm around Dec's shoulder "that doesn't matter,you're the only one who is going to be sleeping in it tonight and I'm sure you're not that dirty anyway"

"Really?" Dec smiled wryly "can you not smell me?"

Ant laughed gently at his new friend.

Dec really appreciated what Ant was doing for him,but he was extremely self conscious about his appearance and the look of disgust on the receptionists face as she checked Dec in for the night hadn't gone unnoticed by him,even if Ant had been totally oblivious,Dec had felt like a piece of shit on her shoe as she looked him up and down,obviously not impressed with who or what Ant had dragged into her nice workplace.

"Don't you worry" Ant smiled "you've got plenty of time to get cleaned up and then you can relax and get a good nights sleep hopefully"

"Thank you so much for this" Dec replied "it's really so nice of you"

"It's really not a big deal at all" Ant smiled "a little kindness goes a long way"

"Yeah,it does" Dec nodded as he peered into the bathroom "can't wait to have a shower...ooh or maybe a bath"

"I'll leave you to it then" Ant smiled.

"Wow,they've got bubble bath" Dec pointed out excitedly,totally ignoring Ant's attempt to leave "can I use it?"

"Yeah,of course you can" Ant laughed "you can use whatever you like,it's all for you"

"Really?" Dec grinned,still in slight disbelief.

"Yeah,really" Ant replied softly "help yourself to whatever you want,there's room service too,order yourself some dinner and breakfast tomorrow,it'll all be charged to me so please don't worry about the cost"

Ant was slightly taken aback when Dec emerged from the bathroom and threw his arms around him.

"Thank you,thank you" Dec mumbled into Ant's shoulder.

"You don't need to keep thanking me" Ant laughed and patted Dec on the back reassuringly.

"You can eat downstairs in the dining room if you prefer?" Ant pointed out.

"Yeah,think I'll stay in the room" Dec replied "enjoy the know?just relax in front of the telly and all that"

"Well,you enjoy it" Ant smiled.

"Can't wait to have a shave" Dec said,more to himself than Ant as he ran his hand over his stubbly beard.

"Disposable razors provided" Ant grinned,nodding towards the bathroom.

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