part 21

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"You're by the window Dec" Ant stated as they found their place on the plane.

They both settled into their seats and Ant reminded Dec to fasten his seatbelt.

"Wow" Dec exclaimed "these are so comfy and spacious,I always hear people moaning about there not being enough room on planes"

"Dec" Ant laughed "you're in business class"

"Oh" Dec replied sheepishly.

"You nervous?" Ant asked.

"Why would I be nervous?" Dec queried confused,as he watched the hustle and bustle that was going on down on the tarmac,with luggage being brought towards the hold to be loaded,amongst over things.

"Well" Ant continued "a lot of people don't like flying"

"Don't know if I like it until try it do I?" Dec shrugged.

Going by how excited Dec had been ever since he had picked him up in a taxi for their journey to the airport,Ant could only imagine that Dec would completely love the experience.

Ant wished he could feel like that too,but flying anywhere was just getting from A to B for him,he'd done it so often that he didn't think of it as much different than getting on a train or driving somewhere.

But he was loving how much Dec was into it,so was determined to give him the full experience.

"Wow" Dec exclaimed,as the plane pushed back from its holding area "we're moving"

"Yep" Ant smiled "soon be on our way"

Dec watched intently as the stewardess went through the safety drill,being one of only a few people who were actually taking notice.

He couldn't take his eyes off her,thinking what a weird job it must be to be up in the air all the time for work.

Ant smiled to himself as he watched Dec's child like fascination with everything that was going on.

Soon the plane had finished taxiing and was in position and as the pilot went full throttle and the force caused Dec to lean back in his seat,he couldn't help but squeal out in excitement.


"Shh Dec" Ant laughed "ya nutter"

Dec took a sharp intake of breath as the wheels left the ground,it was a weird feeling like nothing he'd ever experienced before,he could only liken it to a fairground ride,as he leant forward against the force to look out of the window,amazed at how tiny everything was becoming down on the ground.

"That was fun" he announced,as the plane began to level out "I want to do it again"

"Not just yet" Ant laughed "settle back and enjoy the ride,we've got a good few hours before we land"

"How many?" Dec asked curiously.

"About ten and a half" Ant stated "give or take a few minutes"

"TEN AND A HALF?" Dec replied shocked,in a much louder voice than he had intended.

"It's fine Dec" Ant smiled "it'll go quicker than you think...look"

He tapped the television screen  in front of Dec "there's plenty of stuff for you to watch and we'll be brought plenty to eat and drink,just enjoy the experience"

Right on cue,the stewardess came along and offered Ant and Dec a glass of champagne each,which they gratefully accepted.

"Wow,champagne" Dec stated gleefully "how posh"

Ant was right and Dec did enjoy the flight,watching several movies and listening to music while also having chats with Ant in between.

"Hey" Dec said while removing his headphones and elbowing Ant gently in the ribs "I just thought of something"

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