part 9

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The dreaded night out soon arrived and Dec was beside himself with worry.

Nick's tormenting hadn't let up one tiny bit throughout the week and Dec could just imagine how horrendous the night out would be.

"I'm pretty tired" he told Ant beforehand "maybe I'll just come out for one drink,then leave you guys to it"

"Aww,come on Dec" Ant replied disappointed "you're the guest of honour and once you're out and enjoying yourself,you'll forget about how tired you are"

"Maybe" Dec sighed,realising now that there was no way he could get out of this.

"I promise you'll have a great time" Ant beamed "Nick is such a laugh on a night out"

That sentence practically made Dec want to throw up,but all he could do was reluctantly agree to go for the entire evening.

"And this is for you" Ant continued,handing Dec his wage packet for his first week.

"You'll have to set up a bank account soon though" Ant continued "so we can pay you straight into your bank,but it will have to be this way until then,oh and eventually you'll have to be paid monthly like everyone else,but this is fine at the moment"

"Oh,I already have a bank account" Dec exclaimed.

"You do?" Ant asked surprised.

"Yeah" Dec nodded.

"Well,why didn't you tell us?" Ant shrugged "could have set it all up straight away"

"Well,'s..." Dec stuttered "it's a joint bank account,mine and Ali's"

"Ah,fair enough" Ant smiled sympathetically "in that case,we definitely don't want to be putting any money in there,but now you've got a permanent address,you can set up a new one"

"Yeah,I'll get onto that soon" Dec nodded "although I'll need proof of my address won't I?I don't have anything"

"Don't worry" Ant smiled "we'll sort it somehow"

"Ok" Dec nodded.

"You could always open an account online" Ant suggested.

"Nah" Dec shook his head "would rather go into the bank and anyway,would be a bit tricky as I don't have access to a computer or mobile phone"

"Internet cafe?" Ant mused "now you've got a bit of cash"

"Really?" Dec laughed "an internet cafe that is probably next door to a bank?"

"Yeah,fair point" Ant smiled "well,if you need to take a bit of time off during the week to at least have a chat with someone at the bank,then that's absolutely fine"

"Thanks" Dec smiled "you're a good boss Ant,but I'm sure I can do it one Saturday,most banks are open Saturdays now,at least in the mornings,I might pop in tomorrow...if I'm not too hungover"

"Well,if you are" Ant grinned "you know you've had a great time"

Unfortunately,Dec was a million percent sure that that wouldn't be the case.

"I'll get the first round in" Ant announced once they arrived at the pub,with Nick and a few others from the office who willingly tagged along.

As Ant went to the bar,Dec purposefully sat between two other people from the office.

Although he was pretty sure that Nick wouldn't do or say anything bad when other people were around...Nick was much more crafty than that...Dec still didn't want to be anywhere near him,even so,he was mightily relieved when Ant returned from the bar.

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