part 26

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Dec didn't get much sleep that night,he was so worried about Isla waking up and kicking off again that he just couldn't unwind and relax.

He must have dozed off for short periods here and there,but judging by how exhausted he now felt,it wasn't for long.

He rolled over in bed and gazed at his sleeping daughter,at least one of them had a good night.

She looked so peaceful now.

The redness around her eyes from crying so much had gone and Dec studied her delicate features,he had always been in awe that he had helped create this amazing little person.

"I love you baby girl" he whispered lovingly and kissed her forehead,which caused her to stir.

Dec was nervous about how she would be when she woke up,he really wasn't sure if he could handle a repeat of the previous evening.

He glanced at his bedside clock,which displayed 6.18am,she would definitely be awake soon,he thought to himself.

Then right on cue,the little girl started to flutter her eyelids open.

"Hello sweetheart" Dec said quietly "did you have a nice sleep?"

"Mummy?" Isla yawned.

"You'll see mummy tomorrow darling" Dec promised "but I'm going to look after you until then,you remember Daddy don't you?remember all the fun we used to have together?"

"Daddy?" Isla asked,obviously confused.

"Yes" Dec nodded and scooped her up into his arms "Daddy is here now and has missed you so much,now would you like some breakfast?"

"Weetabix?" Isla asked hopefully.

"You can have whatever you like" Dec beamed,hoping that there would be some weetabix in the cupboards.

He carried her downstairs and into the kitchen,tip toeing gently so he didn't wake Ant up.

"Now then" Dec smiled,as he placed Isla down onto a chair "let's see what we can find shall we?"

Isla watched intently as he searched the cupboards.

"Cornflakes,muesli" he muttered to himself as he rummaged through the contents in front of him "ah,here we are,found some weetabix"

"Weetabix" Isla clapped her hands gleefully "I love weetabix"

"Do you now?" Dec asked "I'd better make sure we always have some in then for when you come over"

Dec soon placed Isla's breakfast in front of her and watched happily as she tucked in.

"So,what would you like to do today?" Dec asked.

"Watch telly" Isla beamed.

Dec wasn't surprised at her answer,he and Ali had had many arguments over how much television Ali let Isla watch and he had no doubt at all that it was constantly being used as an electronic babysitter ever since he left.

"I'm sure we can find something more fun than that to do" Dec smiled "there's a lovely park near here or softplay...or maybe even both,what do you think?"

"Watch telly" Isla repeated.

"Maybe when we get back eh?" Dec suggested "I promise"

"MAN" Isla suddenly shouted out startled and pointed to the door.

Dec glanced over to where she was pointing and saw Ant standing in the doorway.

"Good morning" Ant yawned sleepily and came to join Dec and Isla at the table,glancing at the young child affectionately "hi sweetheart,how are you this morning?"

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