part 24

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"Ready to go?" Ant asked as Dec took a final look around the tiny flat that he had called home for the last few months.

"I'll miss this place" Dec said sadly "it wasn't just a flat to me,it was my savior"

"I know" Ant nodded with understanding and placed a comforting arm around Dec's shoulder.

"It looks so bare" Dec frowned.

"Well,to be fair" Ant mused "you never had much stuff here in the first place"

"True" Dec sighed.

"Come on" Ant encouraged "let's go,the cleaners will be here soon"

"I could have done that" Dec frowned "in fact,surely I was obliged to do it?"

"Don't you worry about that" Ant smiled "it's routine to get cleaners in to do a deep clean when someone moves out of a place"

"Don't you have to wait to let them in?" Dec asked.

"No,the agency are dealing with it all" Ant announced "that's what I'm paying them for,they have a set of keys,come on,let's go"

"Ok" Dec smiled,looking around at the flat one last time "goodbye little home,I'll never forget you"

Ant smiled to himself at Dec's words,he couldn't decide if they were sweet or silly or maybe a bit of both.

Ant placed Dec's belongings into the boot of his car and Dec looked back at his former home until it was out of sight.

"That's it then" Dec sighed "the end of an era"

"Dec" Ant laughed "you were only there a few months,that's a pretty short era"

"Yeah,but they were an important few months" Dec replied.

"Yeah,that's true" Ant smiled,acknowledging now that he should allow Dec his sadness.

"Here we are" Ant announced as he pulled into his driveway "welcome home Declan"

"Thanks" Dec beamed,now feeling happier as a new era was about to start.

"How about we get a takeaway tonight?" Ant suggested "and a few beers,you celebrate your arrival?"

"Sounds like a plan" Dec beamed.

And so that evening,the two men were sat comfortably,eating their meal and chatting casually,both incredibly comfortable in each other's company.

"That was delicious" Dec announced,placing his fork down onto his empty plate and rubbing his swollen belly with his other hand "ate far too much though"

"You always do when it's chinese" Ant pointed out playfully.

"Can't help it" Dec smiled "I just love it so much,whoever invented sweet and sour pork balls deserves a medal"

"If you say so" Ant laughed.

"I do" Dec grinned "they're my favourite food in the whole wide world"

"Yeah,I've noticed" Ant replied,nodding towards Dec's empty plate.

"Hey,I only had twelve" Dec retorted in mock offence.

"Yep" Ant grinned "only twelve,plus the spare ribs,the chicken fried rice and the crispy duck pancakes"

"I'm a growing boy" Dec giggled "what can I say?"

"Yeah" Ant nodded "growing outwards maybe"

"Shut up" Dec replied playfully "you ate just as much as me"

"Maybe" Ant smiled "got room for another beer?"

"Always" Dec smiled.

The boys carried on chatting and laughing with each other until Dec was slightly distracted by the sound of a text message coming through on his phone.

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