part 25

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Dec could hear Isla crying as the door opened and his heart sank,this probably wasn't going to go smoothly.

"Here,take her" Ali snapped and thrust the distraught child into Dec's arms,then quickly slammed the door behind her.

"WHAT?" Dec exclaimed "ALI...OPEN THE DOOR"

His shouting got him absolutely nowhere as he struggled to keep hold of Isla who was now screaming like a banshee,desperate to get back to her mother.

But Ali ignored both of them and Dec knew it was pointless carrying on with the continuous banging on the door and non stop ringing of the bell.

"MUMMY,MUMMY...I WANT MUMMY" Isla sobbed loudly.

"I know sweetheart" Dec replied,while attempting to soothe her "but you're coming with daddy now,we'll have so much fun,I've missed you so much"

Dec finally admitted defeat as it was pretty obvious Ali wasn't going to open the door again,so he made his way back to Ant's car,who had watched on shocked at what was unfolding in front of his eyes...Dec really hadn't been exaggerating about what an awful person Ali was.

He quickly got out of the car to help Dec get Isla into the car seat.

"Come on Dec" he smiled "forget about her and let's just concentrate on getting Isla settled shall we?"

"That might take some time" Dec frowned,as he attempted to strap the child in,but her writhing around as well as kicking out at him,certainly wasn't making it easy.

"Isla sweetheart" Dec soothed "please be a good girl for daddy,I know you're scared,but it's going to be ok,I promise you"

"I can't get her strapped in" Dec stated "she's too wriggly"

"Here" Ant offered "you hold her still and I'll do it"

Eventually,after what seemed like a lifetime,Isla was safely in her car seat.

"What now?" Ant asked,trying to make himself heard above the screaming as he and Dec got back into the front seats.

"Home I guess" Dec replied despondently.

They had talked about maybe taking Isla to Macdonalds for dinner,but that obviously wouldn't be a good idea now and Dec didn't even know if she'd already eaten or not.

There was obviously no other option than to take her home,where she would hopefully calm down and begin to settle.

"She's got a pair of lungs on her hasn't she?" Ant stated loudly.

"Yeah" Dec replied bluntly.

Ant glanced at Dec,acutely aware of how worried Dec was about the situation.

"Don't worry Declan" he said kindly "it's just a tantrum and she's a little scared,but she'll be fine"

"I hope so" Dec replied sadly "I was so looking forward to this weekend"

"And you're going to have a great time" Ant smiled "you'll see"

Isla was still screaming as Ant pulled into his driveway and Dec carried her into the house.

He gently placed her down onto the sofa and sat down beside her.

"Look what I've got for you" Dec stated in a soft,loving voice "a cuddly giraffe"

Dec attempted to place the toy next to Isla,who immediately threw it back at him.

"NO" she shouted "WANT MUMMY" before throwing herself onto the floor in a sobbing heap.

"I don't know what to do?" Dec asked Ant desperately.

"Just persevere mate" Ant replied "it'll be hard,but you'll get there in the end"

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