part 14

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Dec had a wonderful couple of days staying with Ant,who also enjoyed the company.

Ant was reluctant to admit it,but he did often feel lonely,he liked being in a relationship,but it just wasn't meant to be at this moment in time,so enjoyed having Dec around and at least he also had his work to throw himself into.

But for those couple of days,he managed to do whatever work he needed to do from home,choosing to get to know Dec better,insisting that Dec didn't go into work either.

"This is delicious Ant,thank you" Dec beamed as he tucked into the chilli  con carne that Ant had prepared for him that evening.

"It's pretty easy to make" Ant replied "I can teach you sometime"

"Good luck with that" Dec laughed "Mam always said even the dog wouldn't eat what I made"

Ant smiled sympathetically at Dec,he always sensed a tinge of sadness whenever he mentioned his family,which wasn't often.

Ant never really pushed Dec for information on his family,knowing he'd open up if and when he was ready,but on this occasion,the mood somehow seemed to be just right.

"It must be so hard?" Ant asked gently.

"What?" Dec replied casually.

"You know" Ant smiled "being estranged from your family,I can't begin to imagine how that must feel"

"Don't know" Dec shrugged "it's my own stupid fault"

"Is it?" Ant frowned.

"Yeah" Dec nodded "I chose Ali over them,so I guess I'm getting what I deserve"

"Rubbish" Ant snapped.

"What?" Dec asked surprised.

"It's total bullshit that you deserve to be estranged from your family" Ant stated "you obviously love and miss them and I don't doubt that they're feeling the same"

"You don't know them" Dec shrugged.

"Maybe not" Ant replied "but you do and you probably know how they'll react"

"To what" Dec asked confused.

"To you getting in touch" Ant smiled.

"What?" Dec asked shocked "I can't"

"Why not?" Ant kept on gently nudging Dec in the right direction.

"Because of what I did" Dec said sadly "I doubt they'd want to see me"

"They must be really horrible people then?" Ant frowned.

"Of course they're not" Dec snapped "they're the best family ever"

"There you go then" Ant smiled "don't you think they'll welcome you back with open arms?"

"I don't know" Dec looked down sadly at his half eaten plate of food "it's just..."

"It's what Dec?" Ant probed "you know you can tell me anything don't you?I won't judge"

"It's not that" Dec sighed "it's just that I feel know?"

"Not really" Ant replied seriously "what have you got to feel ashamed about?"

"For choosing Ali over them" Dec repeated "for the arguments...the things I said,I said some horrible things in the heat of the moment"

"We all do that sometimes" Ant smiled.

"I bet you don't" Dec observed "you're too nice"

"Oh yeah?" Ant laughed "did you not see how angry I got with Nick?"

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