part 17

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Ant watched intently from his car as Dec said goodbye to his mother on her front doorstep,feeling optimistic for Dec at what was obviously an emotional outcome.

Anne and Dec were caught in a long embrace and Ant didn't doubt there would be tears involved.

He smiled at Dec when he eventually tore himself from his mother's arms and made his way to the car with a big grin on his face.

"Bye Mam" he called out,waving at Anne as she watched him go.

"Bye sweetheart" she replied "I'll see you tomorrow"

She also waved at Ant as he drove by,who returned the gesture.

"Must have gone well then?" Ant grinned,as Dec climbed into the car "if you're seeing her again tomorrow"

"Oh Ant" Dec beamed "it was so lovely to see her,we talked,laughed,cried,hugged,it was very emotional"

"I can imagine" Ant nodded.

"She wanted me to stay overnight" Dec stated.

"Oh really?" Ant quizzed "why didn't you then?I wouldn't have minded,I can cope with a night in a hotel on my own you know,do it all the time for work"

"I'm sure you can" Dec laughed "but it wasn't that,it was just very overwhelming and if anyone else had turned up tonight,my brothers or sisters possibly,I probably wouldn't have been able to handle it,too much too soon,ya know?"

"Yeah,I do" Ant nodded "that's totally fair"

"So,Mam is gonna tell them I'm here" Dec continued "she is in no doubt that they'll all want to see me,but I want it to be just me,her and my sister Pat tomorrow,one step at a time,then I can catch up with the others sometime in the near future"

"Sounds like a good plan" Ant smiled.

"How was it at your Mam's?" Dec asked,realising he was just talking about himself again.

"It was good" Ant replied "told her all about you,she thinks you're really brave"

"Not sure brave is the word I'd use" Dec frowned.

"I would" Ant smiled "you've been through a lot,still are going through a lot,but you're not giving up and you're coming out on top"

"Maybe" Dec nodded "but you had a nice time?"

"Yeah,of course I did" Ant beamed "I'll introduce you to them sometime,they'll love you"

"They've got low standards then" Dec grinned.

"What do you fancy doing tonight?" Ant asked as he pulled up into the hotel car park "could go out for dinner or a drink?"

"I'm not sure" Dec frowned.

"Why not?" Ant asked surprised,he thought Dec would jump at the chance.

"Well" Dec sighed "I might run into someone I know,I don't think I'm ready for that"

"Newcastle is a big place you know" Ant grinned "what are the chances?"

"Very high chances actually" Dec stated "are you telling me you've never run into anyone you know when you've been out and about?"

"Yeah,course I have" Ant nodded.

"There you go then" Dec smiled "we could just eat at the hotel restaurant,or get a takeaway?my treat"

"You don't have to do that" Ant replied.

"I'd like to" Dec confirmed "it's the least I can do"

"Declan" Ant sighed "you need to get this idea that you somehow have to pay me back out of your don't,I've helped you because I want to,nothing else,you don't owe me anything"

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