part 10

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Ant was relieved when he received a text from Nick to say that Dec was safely home.

If only that were true!

A few hours later,Ant was getting up,ready for the day ahead,totally oblivious to what Dec was going through.

Meanwhile,Dec slowly opened his eyes and immediately squinted against the bright winter sun.

His head hurt like hell,his mouth was dry,he felt sick,he was cold and more worryingly...he was outside.

Where the hell he was or how he'd got there,he had absolutely no clue,the only thing he could be sure of was that it had something to do with Nick.

He had no idea how long he'd been there,but it was obviously quite a while,but he barely remembered a thing.

His last memory had him placed in the pub with everyone else,feeling a little bit ill,but after that?...nothing!

He slowly rose to his feet,trying to ignore how truly awful he felt.

"Ow" he exclaimed as he stood on a sharp stone,staring down and noticing that he was missing a shoe.

He frowned as he felt the dampness that had been soaking into his clothes for God knows how long,no wonder he was cold.

He rubbed his hands together,blowing onto them in a futile attempt to warm himself up,he was freezing,but alive,thankful that he hadn't froze to death during the night,this was decidedly worse than being homeless,at least then he had been able to find shelter when necessary,but now?now,he'd obviously been exposed to the elements all night.

That bastard Nick could have killed him!

As nasty,vile and spiteful as Nick was,Dec never imagined he would be capable of something as dangerous as this,but as Dec had only known him for a few days,how could he even have known exactly what he was capable of?

Dec thought about the parts of the evening that he did remember,how the alcohol had affected him so seriously,Dec still found that hard to understand,he'd started feeling strange pretty early on in the evening after all,then it suddenly came to him.

"That fucking bastard spiked my drinks and dumped me here" he fumed out loud.

He looked around at his surroundings,he had no idea where he was or how far from home he was.

He was in a field!

And judging by the huge cowpats spread around him,some animal company wasn't too far away.

Now what was he to do?

He wished he had a mobile phone,then he could at least contact Ant,who would no doubt come rushing to his aid.

Not that Dec would be able to tell him his location.

Dec vowed to get a phone as soon as he could once this nightmare was sorted.

He tried to locate his missing shoe,but it was nowhere to be seen,then suddenly thought to check his pocket to see if he still had his wage packet.

He let out a sigh of relief that Nick had at least left him with that.

So somehow he now had to try and find his way home,which would be extremely difficult considering he had absolutely no clue as to where he was.

He listened intently to any sounds that might help him,other than the birds singing their morning chorus,he could just about make out a faint rumbling in the distance.

"That's got to be a road" he said loudly and hobbled off towards where the sound was coming from,luckily not coming across any cattle on his way.

As he got closer,the sound got louder and he was pretty sure it was either a motorway or a dual carriageway.

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