part 12

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"I had a great weekend actually" Dec retorted defiantly,before walking off to get on with his work.

Dec knew that that was likely to rile Nick up even more,but he had already made Dec's life a living hell,so what did he have to lose?

He was in no doubt that Nick had been completely surprised to see Dec at work,no doubt having preferred it if he'd died in that field and no one would ever have been the wiser as to Nick's involvement in the situation.

Dec was getting a slight feeling of pleasure though,imagining how annoyed Nick must be by the fact he was there at work on Monday morning,willing and able to do his job.

Luckily,Nick was extremely busy that day,so left Dec alone for the most part,which Dec was incredibly relieved about.

"DEC" Ant called out from his office as Dec walked past at the end of the day,ready to make his way home.

"Yeah?" Dec smiled cheerfully,totally ignoring Nick,until his bully spoke up.

"Hi Dec" Nick grinned "sorry we haven't got to chat much today,been a bit of a crazy day"

Dec glared at him,but Ant was still totally oblivious to anything that was going on as he rummaged through his desk drawer.

"Got this for you" Ant announced as he pulled a box out of the drawer and passed it to Dec.

"A mobile phone?" Dec asked surprised.

"Yeah" Ant nodded "you definitely need it after your shenanigans this weekend"

"Yeah" Nick laughed "Ant told me how you went for a walkabout after I'd safely dropped you home on Friday,silly boy"

"Aren't I just?" Dec replied sarcastically,not looking at Nick "you didn't have to do this Ant"

"I think I did actually" Ant joked "seems like you can't be left alone for any long period of time"

"That's really patronising" Dec snapped,shocking Ant with his abruptness.

"I'm sorry Dec" Ant quickly replied "I was joking,I didn't mean to offend you"

"Now now you two" Nick grinned "let's not fall out,we're one big happy family here remember?"

"Yeah,we are" Ant nodded "you ok Dec?"

"Er...yeah" Dec replied "sorry Ant,I didn't mean to snap at you,it's really nice of you,thank you"

"Anyway" Ant smiled "it's pay as you go,so you'll be paying for it,I've put some money on it,but once it's run out,it's down to you to keep it topped up"

Ant was quickly realising how much being independent and doing things for himself was hugely important to Dec and as much as Ant wanted and was able to pay for everything,he had to resist doing so,which he knew would be better for Dec in the long run.

"Thank you Ant" Dec smiled "I really do appreciate this"

"No problem mate" Ant replied "and I've already put my number in,so you'll be able to get hold of me anytime day or night"

"Ok,great" Dec nodded "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Bye Dec" Ant beamed.

"Bye Declan" Nick called out in an over exaggerated way,as Dec left the office "have a great evening"

Dec spent most of the evening playing with his phone,toying with the idea of adding his estranged familys numbers,although he knew it was unlikely he'd remember them,he also wanted to add Ali's too as eventually he wanted to be able to see his daughter again,but he couldn't remember that offhand either.

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