part 18

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Dec was worried.

Ant had been gone for almost two hours now.

He was only supposed to have gone for a short walk,maybe twenty minutes like Dec had suggested,so where the hell was he?

Dec knew he was probably being ridiculous,Ant had reached middle age without Dec having to babysit for him after all,but he couldn't help it.

"Hi Dec" Dec was suddenly startled out of his skin when Ant entered his hotel room where Dec was still waiting.

"Where have you been?" Dec demanded to know "I've been worried sick"

"Alright Mam" Ant laughed "I've been for a walk,like you told me to"

"For two bloody hours?" Dec said,in a slightly angry voice.

"Dec,calm down" Ant sighed "it's nice that you worry about me,but there's really no need"

"Thought you were gonna text me when you were on your way back?" Dec frowned.

"Oh yeah,sorry,I forgot" Ant replied sheepishly.

"I tried calling you" Dec stated.

"Did you?" Ant took his phone out of his pocket and noticed three missed calls from Dec "I guess I didn't hear it,all the hustle and bustle,you know?"

"I guess" Dec sighed.

"Are we good?" Ant smiled,while placing a friendly hand on Dec's back.

"Yeah" Dec nodded,knowing there wasn't any point in staying annoyed at Ant "where did you go anyway?"

"Down to the quayside" Ant replied "got talking to some old fella and his dog"

"Oh yeah?" Dec grinned "what did the dog have to say?"

"Very funny" Ant beamed "was a lovely dog though,a collie called Biscuit"

"That's cute" Dec smiled.

"Yeah" Ant nodded "I'd love to have a dog"

"Why don't you get one then?" Dec asked "let me"

"Yeah" Ant frowned "wouldn't be fair on the dog if I'm never there"

"More reason to work less then" Dec shrugged.

Ant made himself comfortable on the bed.

"Well,that's a good point" Ant stated "the old guy,Frank was really interesting,told me a lot about his life,his struggles and everything and about how he'd do things differently if he had his time over,one thing he said really struck a chord with me"

"Oh yeah?" Dec asked interested "what was that?"

"He said that nobody ever looks back at their life and wishes they'd worked more" Ant replied.

"He sounds very wise" Dec nodded.

"Yeah" Ant agreed "I guess people wish they'd travelled more,spent more time with their kids,maybe even chosen a different career,but never that"

Dec listened intently to Ant's words,glad he was opening up again,but what he said next totally took Dec by surprise.

"So I've made a decision" Ant beamed.

"Really?" Dec asked curiously "what's that?"

"I'm going to take a career break" Ant announced proudly.

"Wow" Dec replied "for how long?"

"Not sure" Ant frowned "but six months at least"

"You can do that in your job?" Dec asked.

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