part 27

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Things were now looking great for Dec.

The dog walking business had got off the ground immediately and the kennels were now built and they were already fully booked for the summer period.

He and Ant were having an amazing time living together,as if they'd known each other their entire lives,it all just fell into place and felt so right.

He was in regular contact with his family and saw them whenever he could,unfortunately it wasn't as often as he would have liked because of how busy work was,but they all agreed to come down to London to visit him when they had time and there was plenty of room at Ant's house after all.

But best of all,was all the time he now got to spend with Isla.

Ali had agreed to let Dec have her every weekend,in fact she couldn't wait to get rid of her and practically threw her into Dec's arms every friday evening.

One sunday evening after dropping Isla off,Dec sat quietly next to Ant on the sofa,looking deep in thought.

"You alright there Dec?" Ant asked concerned "you're very quiet tonight"

"Er...yeah" Dec mumbled "I'm ok"

"What's on your mind?" Ant pressed.

"It's just..." Dec replied "it's just that it's not enough"

"What isn't?" Ant asked confused.

"Weekends" Dec stated "I want more"

"Dec" Ant sighed "please stop talking in riddles,you want more of what?"

"Isla" Dec announced "I want more than just weekends,I want joint custody,what do you think?"

"Wow" Ant stated "where has that come from?I thought you were happy with how things are at the moment?"

"I am" Dec nodded "well,I was and these weekends with her have been so amazing haven't they?but kids change so much at this age and I'm missing out,I want more,maybe alternate weeks between here and Ali's?"

"I get that" Ant replied with understanding "but you'll be working during the week,how will that work?"

"I've already thought about that" Dec beamed "childminder or nursery,I can afford that now,there's a doable solution"

"Will nurseries and childminders take her if it's only every other week?" Ant queried.

"Don't see why not?" Dec shrugged "as long as they're paid...oh sorry,I should have run this by by you first"

"Well,you're doing that now aren't you?" Ant pointed out.

"I guess so" Dec nodded "but I shouldn't just presume you'd be happy with this,it's your home"

"For goodness sake Dec" Ant snapped "how many times do I have to tell you that this is your home too?and it's not like you're living here rent free is it?you work as hard as I do with the dogs and you can have your daughter here as much as you like...I think it could work"

"Thanks Ant" Dec replied sheepishly "Isla loves you,it will be great...if Ali agrees to it"

"And I love her" Ant beamed "and I'm sure we'll come to some amicable arrangement with Ali"

"You've got more faith than I have" Dec frowned.

"Don't worry Declan" Ant smiled "we'll talk to her next weekend and remember,you've got a lawyer on your side"

"Yeah" Dec laughed "can't complain about that"

The following weekend,once Dec had put Isla to bed on the Saturday evening,he sent Ali a text message,trying his best to stay upbeat,so she hopefully wouldn't kick off for any reason.

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