part 8

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Unsurprisingly,Dec didn't get much sleep that night,the events of the day playing on his mind over and over again,resulting in him getting tearful constantly.

He felt so stupid,he was a middle aged man,crying over being picked on by some cowardly bully.

He'd been through much worse than this,he'd lived on the streets for months after all,he wanted to pull himself together,but just couldn't.

He'd always been so sensitive and some people took advantage of that,namely Ali.

His mind was in turmoil.

He had no idea what to do for the best,he knew he didn't want to go back to that job,but how could he not after everything that Ant had done for him?He'd given him so much and this job was a golden opportunity to get his life back on track,he couldn't throw in the towel after just one day could he?

Of course he couldn't,he sighed to himself,even though he was beginning to think being homeless might be preferable to being treated the way he had been at work,at least on the streets,most people just ignored him,which he was now realising wasn't such a bad thing.

"Fuck you Nick" he said aloud as he turned over in bed.

He'd come across bullies like Nick before throughout his life,his small size and sensitivity making him an easy target.

But growing up he had six older siblings to protect him and as soon as the bullies had a taste of their revenge for bothering their 'little Decky' they soon left him alone.

But now he was totally on his own,everything would be his word against Nick's and Nick was obviously really popular at work.

Dec was laying on his back,staring blankly at the ceiling,when the alarm ringing from the bedside clock startled him out of his thoughts.

Having barely slept a wink the entire night,he dragged himself out of bed and into the shower,having decided to go into work,he didn't have any choice really,or so he thought,it had only been one day and he couldn't bear the thought of letting Ant down so soon.

Maybe Nick would see the error of his ways and leave him alone today,although Dec knew that was unlikely.

"Once a bully,always a bully" he said to himself.

And he was right!

Nick's attitude towards him hadn't changed,in fact it had worsened considerably,still whispering nasty comments into Dec's ear,whenever no one else was around and deliberately shoving him whenever he got the chance.

It was playground bullying behaviour and Dec still couldn't believe it was happening to him,from a senior partner in a law firm of all people,it was just so ridiculous.

Ant of course,was still totally oblivious to what was going on and Dec wished he could tell him,or even better,Ant could see it for himself,but Nick was sly and made sure he never said or did anything to Dec while Ant or anyone else was around.

"Got an important meeting soon Dec" Ant smiled after saying good morning.

"Oh yeah?" Dec replied,feigning interest,he still found all this law stuff incredibly boring.

"Yeah" Ant nodded "if you don't mind setting up the boardroom for us,that will be great?"

"What boardroom?" Dec frowned.

"That room down the end of the corridor" Ant smiled "it's where all our meetings are held"

"Ok" Dec replied obligingly "what do you need?"

"Just refreshments" Ant said "tea,coffee,water,biscuits,that kind of thing,there'll only be six of us altogether"

"I'm onto it" Dec smiled confidently "I'll set up a tea tray ready"

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