part 7

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Dec took a deep breath as he stared up at the office building on Monday morning.

He felt both excited and nervous.

Excited that he had a job and was beginning to get his life back on track,but nervous about how it would go,he wasn't worried about the actual work,that sounded simple enough,but would he fit in?would he be liked?business men and women weren't the kind of people he'd had much to do with throughout his life so far,but Ant assured him that everyone was lovely and they would all make him feel very welcome.

Ant's office was only about a twenty minute walk from Dec's new flat,so he decided a nice morning walk might be good to steady his nerves.

Not that he could have taken public transport anyway,cash hadn't been accepted on London transport for many years now and he obviously didn't have a bank card anymore and didn't have enough money to purchase an oyster card,the smartcard that a lot of people used for travelling around London.

Still,a twenty minute walk was nothing and once he started earning,if laziness...or more likely over sleeping,ever got the better of him,it wouldn't be a problem,buying an oyster card would be top of his list once he got paid,just in case he ever needed it.

"Declan Donnelly" he said to the receptionist behind the desk "Anthony McPartlin is expecting me"

"Of course" the woman replied,who Dec noted had the name Joan on her badge "take a seat Mr Donnelly"

"Thank you" Dec smiled.

"Mr McPartlin,Declan Donnelly is here for you" Joan said into the intercom.

Dec could just about make out Ant's reply from where he was sitting,something along the lines of 'be right there'

Probably no more than two minutes later,Ant stepped out of the lift that opened up into the reception area with a big smile on his face.

"Dec" he smiled warmly at his new friend and held out his hand for Dec to shake.

'Very businesslike' Dec thought to himself,Ant was definitely in work mode.

"Come on" Ant beamed "I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone,thanks Joan"

He waved at the receptionist as he stepped back into the lift with Dec by his side and pressed the button for the third floor.

Just a few seconds later,the door opened to the floor where Ant's office was based.

They were a small,but tight knit group and Ant went around to each and every employee,making sure they all knew who Dec was and what he would be doing there,while Dec did his best to remember all of their names.

"And this" Ant announced,as he walked into an area separated from the larger office by a plastic screen "is my good friend,Nicholas Derby,also a senior partner in the company"

"Please call me Nick" the man smiled and held out his hand to Dec "it's very nice to meet you Dec,I'm sure you'll fit in very well here"

"I hope so" Dec beamed,taking Nick's hand and shaking it firmly "so you're equal partners then?"

"Yeah" Nick replied "although Ant likes to think he's the boss,I just humour him"

"Well,if you were actually any good at your job" Ant quipped playfully.

"Better than you'll ever be" Nick shot back.

Dec was enjoying the banter between the two friends,until Ant announced that he needed to pop out for something and Nick would show Dec where to get started with work.

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