part 6

164 9 13

"A proposition?" Dec asked curiously.

"Yeah" Ant grinned and plonked himself down beside Dec on the kerb.

"What kind of proposition?" Dec mused.

"Well" Ant replied "I've been thinking and I'm obviously in a good position to be able to help you get back on your feet,you know,off the streets"

"I'm not taking anything else from you Ant" Dec replied defensively "the occasional sandwich and coffee I can do,but I won't take your money"

"It's ok" Ant laughed "that's not my plan anyway"

"So what is your plan?" Dec enquired curiously.

"Come and work for me?" Ant suggested.

"Er...what?" Dec frowned.

"Come and work for me" Ant repeated.

"And how would that work?" Dec frowned "the amount I know about law is exactly between zero and nothing"

"You don't need to know anything" Ant laughed "I'm not planning to train you as a lawyer overnight"

"What then?" Dec asked.

"Well" Ant smiled "you could kind of be like an office boy,filing paperwork,getting coffee for people,that kind of thing"

Dec didn't reply,he wasn't actually sure of what he thought of Ant's offer.

"And don't think it's a demeaning role" Ant stated,attempting to read Dec's thoughts "we all have to start somewhere"

"How would it work though?" Dec enquired.

"Well,in return for the job" Ant replied "my firm would pay for somewhere for you to live and give you a small wage"

"Really?" Dec smiled,that did sound appealing,but something was holding him back,even if he wasn't exactly sure of what it was.

"It'll only be somewhere small" Ant stated "like a studio flat maybe,but it's got to be better than living on the streets surely?"

"Yeah" Dec nodded unconvincingly.

"Look Declan" Ant went on "it's just a suggestion,you don't have to decide right now,have a think about it ok?and I'll come by again tomorrow and see what you've decided"

"Ok" Dec agreed.

"And Dec?" Ant smiled.


"I'm not trying to turn you into a lawyer,so you don't need to worry about that" Ant grinned.

"Just as well" Dec laughed "I wouldn't have a clue"

"And not to mention the years of training" Ant sighed "but this could be a step in the right direction for you to find the job you actually do want to do"

"It is an amazing offer" Dec smiled "I do really appreciate it,but you'd better be getting home,it's late"

"I'll talk to you tomorrow then ok?" Ant smiled.

Dec waved to Ant as he made his way off to hail a black cab.

Dec thought about Ant's offer constantly throughout the evening.

Why did he have doubts?

Would he be mad to turn it down?

Would he be happy in a situation like that?

Was he now just too uncomfortable with Ant's never ending kindness to accept it?

As Ant pointed out,surely anything was better than being on the streets?

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