part 16

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"Oh,you've found someone else?" Anne smiled "I'm glad"

"No Mam" Dec laughed "it's not a woman,it's not like that,I mean I made a very good friend,he found me on the street,picked me up,dusted me off,put me back together again and turned my life around"

"Oh" Anne exclaimed "that's unusual,why would he do that?"

"Because he's a thoroughly decent human being" Dec replied "one of lifes good guys,I'm so lucky to have met him,you have him to thank for persuading me to come and try and put things right with you"

"Well,in that case" Anne beamed "I must thank this...?"

"Ant" Dec replied "Anthony,he's from Newcastle too,he drove me up here"

"Oh really?" Anne asked "where is he now?"

"At his Mam's" Dec smiled "he's picking me up when I'm ready"

"Well,I'm glad he helped you" Anne smiled.

"Yeah" Dec nodded "he's done a lot for me,given me a job,a flat..."

"What?" Anne interrupted "why would he give you all that?what does he want in return?"

"You don't need to be so suspicious" Dec laughed "he doesn't have some ulterior motive,he just wanted to help me out and all he wanted in return is my friendship,which I'm happy to give"

"Well,if you're sure you can trust him?" Anne frowned.

"Of course I can" Dec beamed "he's the most amazing guy,you'd love him and you should see his house,it's massive,got a swimming pool and everything"

"Alright Decky" Anne laughed "if you're sure,then I'm happy for you,maybe I can meet him some time?"

"I'm sure he'd be happy with that" Dec smiled "but one step at a time eh?I want to spend more time with you you want to?"

"Oh Declan" Anne replied tearfully "of course I want to,I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too Mam"

The mother and son then fell into an emotional embrace once again.

"What about the others?" Dec asked nervously as he released his arms from around Anne's small frame "do they hate me?"

"If you are talking about your brother's and sister's" Anne asked "then no,of course they don't hate you,they miss you as much as I do"

"Really?" Dec asked relieved.

"Yeah" Anne nodded "we talk about you a lot,wondering how you are,what you're up to...although we never could have imagined how you ended up"

"Me neither" Dec sighed "did know...?"

"What?" Anne asked curiously.

"Think about finding me?" Dec blurted out "getting in contact?"

"Of course we thought about it" Anne smiled "we thought about it a lot,but after you were so angry when we last saw you and so convinced that you were right and all of us were wrong,we thought it best to let you come to us when you were ready...and you have"

Dec was deep in thought for a moment.

"I've wasted so much time" he said sadly "I've been an idiot"

"No you haven't" Anne replied,taking Dec's hands in hers "love is blind,or so they say,you were misled by Ali and you had no reason to doubt her until she showed her true colours"

"I'll never pick a woman over you again Mam" Dec stated.

"Well,if you find the right woman eventually" Anne smiled "then you won't need to do any picking,there'll be room for both of us"

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