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Ms. Maximoff and I sit at the diner eating and talking, I mean she's eating, I don't have much of an appetite. Though I am enjoying my coke. We move from topic to topic, until we land on a drink discussion.

"Obviously the best drink is cherry cola, you can't argue against it." I state.

"No, the best drink is a chocolate milkshake."

"Yes, but it isn't a beverage as much as a dessert, for a beverage it's cherry cola."

"Yes, but I'm drinking it, so it's the best drink."

"No way I swear this," I point to my glass, "is the best drink in the world."

"I don't think I've even had a cherry cola before." My mouth falls open stunned. I push my glass in her direction and smile as she takes it. I just watch her carefully take the straw between her lips. I wait for what feels forever as she takes a sip of the cool refreshing glass of pop.

"Hmm," she puts on a straight face, "I don't think it's that good."

"What do you mean it's not good, it's the best pop there is to get, nay the best beverage there is."

"Hold up, did you just say pop?" She gives me a mocking look.

"Yes, that's what it's called." I simply say.

"What babe come on, it's so obviously called soda. Don't tell me you actually call it pop." Did she just call me-? I can't think about it, the pause makes it awkward, not that the redness on my face helps, "Yes that's really what I call it." And we're back. I can see she's relived that I ignored her slip up. She didn't mean to say that. We both know it.

The waiter comes with our check, and I reach over to see what I owe, even though I know how much, I looked at that menu for a long time. But before I grab it, she takes it. "I got this," I go to protest but she cuts me off, "It was my idea."

"Okay, but I'll get the next one." Oh god why did I say that she probably doesn't want to hang out with me again. I mean she only helped me study, and she got hungry, that's why we went. It isn't more than that.

"Deal." I swear I could see a small smirk on her face. "Deal," I say back as we leave the diner.

We walk back to the cars in silence. "This is me," I say and come to a halt. I almost walked right past it. I open the door, and I can feel her stand behind me. I turn around, looking her right in the face.

"Thank you, for the help with my work, and for the food. I needed this distraction."

"Anytime. For the record I needed it too." She starts fidgeting with her hands. Twisting the rings on her finger.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow, right?" She says hoping I won't skip another day. I nod and look down with a twinkle on my lips. "And...after you still want to study?" Her question was asked carefully, giving me the opportunity to pull away if I didn't want to. But I do want to, of course I do, she helps me.

"Are you sure you have time? Won't your spouse mind you helping a student study on a Friday afternoon? I'm sure they would want you home to start of the weekend." I ask careful not to overstep any bound by how I phrase the sentence.

"No she doesn't. I'm not going to tell her. She'll be at work and honestly I'm starting to believe she doesn't care what I do, as long as I don't get in the way of her work." Her eyes are glossy now, this is clearly something she's having a hard time with.

"I'm sorry." I don't know what to say, I just hope she doesn't mistake it for pity.

"It is what it is, right? Can't do much about it...I don't even know if I want to." We stand there for a minute before I start to move.

Sitting down in the car she leans in the door, "drive safe, alright." She says and she leans down further pressing a quick hug to my cheek. A little too quick in my opinion.

I take her hand and give it a light squeeze, "you too. Good night Ms. Maximoff"

"Good night, Y/N."

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