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Wanda POV:

She ran out...she's doing the right thing, but it feels awful. I have no idea what came over me, all I know is that I want her.

All the things she asked, what she said, I know it all. It went through my mind as well, I just couldn't think about the future when right now there was this stunning girl who made me happy, who I want, who wants me.

With a sigh I gather my things. She left half of her books here, so I put them in my bag, so when I see her on Monday I won't forget. I hope she shows up, I hope I didn't ruin this. I still want her as a friend if I can't have her.

I've had her in the back of my mind all year so far. I never thought I liked her like this until we started talking. Till I realized I loved listening to her voice, the way she speaks. The things her mind come up with. I just hope she knows I will still be here for her, even though I may have overstepped now.

She had every opportunity to leave, and she did.

I quickly leave the building only to find her outside screaming at her car. I hurry over to her. "Open you fucking idiot. Please I just want to leave." I can make it out as I get closer.

She looks at me with a defeated expression. "Car trouble?"

"Fucking thing won't open." She lays her back against it and hides her face in her hands.

"Need a ride?" I ask hesitantly, knowing very well she tried getting away from me.

"Please." She says as she gets up from the car. Her hand locks with mine as she grabs it, intertwining our fingers. Her head rests a little on my shoulder as we walk.

We ride in silence. The only sound is our breathing. Her hand is resting on my thigh. I like it. It's comfortable. You wouldn't expect it to be, but it is.

I follow the directions she gave me, and too soon we arrive at her apartment building. I park at the curb. She doesn't get up. She just sits there. Her eyes fixed on the road ahead of us.

"What are you doing tonight? Since it's Friday and all." She asks still looking ahead.

I keep my eyes on her, "nothing...see if my- ...Alex ever comes home, she probably won't if I know her right. If not it's just me, in a big empty house. I'll probably down a bottle of wine and pass out."

Getting out of the car she says, "I have wine..." this time her eyes meet mine.

Slowly I unbuckle, I hear her door shut and when I look in her direction again, she's gone. The door opens on my side. I take her arm and she pulls me up. Her hands land on my side as she presses a quick kiss to my lips. She holds onto one of my hands as she almost yanks me after her. Leaving little time to lock the car.

I watch her fumbling with her keys, struggling to open the door. "Hey, take a moment, there's no rush."

I push her up against the door kissing her hard. This time there is no hesitation, she just kisses me back. When I pull back her eyes are so soft and I smile, "we have all night. Let's just start with a drink and see where we end up." She nods and opens the door for me.

Her apartment is small, cozy and warm...it's warm. The entry has just a shelf for shoes and a couple hangers for coats. She takes off her shoes before walking in, so I do the same. The living room is just a tv and a couch, with a bookshelf acting as a separator from the kitchen. Though you can see right through there is a bunch of small things displayed. I walk closer and pick up a picture of her and a man...must be her dad. She was only a kid in the picture and she's hanging around her dad's neck.

She comes up behind me and looks at the picture, I can see the memories form on her face. "That was such a good day." Her smile is goofy, clearly that day was a memory she treasured.

"That's your dad, right?" She nods and lays her chin on my shoulder. I put the picture down carefully before covering her hands with mine that are looped around me. "He looks like a good man."

"He was. The best man." I can feel her smile thinking about him.

"I'm happy you're smiling."

"How could I not, I got the most beautiful woman right here in my arms, and she's looking at a picture of my dad without pitying me for my loss, instead you just look at the memory." She gets me and I get her.

"That's because I don't have a reason to pity you, I think you had a great time with him while it lasted, and that is the most wonderful thing ever." I place kiss on her cheek as she starts walking me to the kitchen.

"Red or white Ms. Maximoff?" She asks with a dorky eyebrow wiggle.

"Please it's Wanda, I think we're past Ms. Maximoff don't you think? At least here outside of school." She removes herself from me, ugh I hate that she has the effect of making me long for closeness. I shouldn't be this in need already, it will only make it hard to stay away.

Reaching into a cabinet she gets out a bottle of red wine, "well you didn't answer Wanda, so red it is...because that's the only one I have." She quickly smiles at me before opening the bottle, while I laugh.

"So we can do this two ways," I have no idea where this is going, "either we drink straight from the bottle or I have coffee mugs." I continue laughing at her, oh I remember what it was like being a student very well, and this was it. I take the bottle from her making sure I get a good sip before handing it back. "Bottle it is."

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