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It's a few hours later and I'm feeling really bad. Tears run down my face from my headache and my phone keeps bussing with texts from Wanda. But at least Ravi is being civil, for once. I'm resting against him as we watch our favorite Disney show from we were little, or at least the show we could agree we both liked.

"Is it that bad?" He asks as he wipes away a few tears.

"Mhm. It was this bad every day the week I decided to stop."

"Drink some more water and take a paracetamol." He says as he hands me both of the things, and I do as he says. It's easier that way.

"Shouldn't you answer your phone? Seems like she's trying to get in touch with you." He says a bit later when my phone was still buzzing.

"Who?" I ask pretending to not know what he's talking about.

"Probably your only friend."

"She's not-" Hold up that would be a lie, "right well at least I have a friend."

"Ha ha you know I have a bunch of buddies-"

"Right but no boyfriend though."

"Not yet, but I'm not looking."

"Maybe you should, it would hopefully make you less of a pain in the ass." He punches me carefully in the arm as a response.

"I would at least be decent enough to answer when they were texting me, you can't say the same."

"Maybe I don't feel like talking to her right now."

"Alright, I'll drop it."



I wake up and feel dizzy standing up, this is going to be a bad day. I stumble to the kitchen and find Ravi already up drinking a cup of coffee, "you look terrible."

"Shut up." I say as I grab a glass of water, and one of my pills.

"Maybe you should stay home today. It's just for a day right, you can work form here, but I don't think crying yourself through a lecture will do anyone any good."

"You're right, I should probably stay home...what are your plans for today?"

"Well my buddy Christopher wants to show me around the city, so I'll be home late probably."

"Ooo like a date?"

"No not like a date- I don't think so at least...what if it is a date? What am I going to do? What to wear?" He starts spinning out.

"Woah calm down, so you obviously like him. Just be yourself and what you're wearing is fine. It being a date shouldn't change anything." What I said didn't help him calm down, he spent the next 30 minuets finding out what to wear. He ended up stealing a crop top from my closet.


Before I know it – it's the afternoon, and I've spent all day crying and watching movies. My headache got really bad a few hours ago but it's calming down now. Ravi hasn't come back yet, but he has texted me with updates because I begged him to. Apparently, it is a date and he's over the moon excited. Maybe all this, him talking to me and taking care of me is a sign he wants to start over. Maybe we can finally be friends and siblings.

Wanda has texted me too, wondering why I didn't show up today, after that she asked why I was ignoring her, and then she apologized, and then she sent me a copy of the work from class, and then she got mad because she saw me reading the texts but not answering, and then she apologized again, and then she asked if I was okay. I do feel bad for ignoring her, but I just don't want to talk to her about this, and there is no way she won't wanna talk about it.

My phone buzzes once more and I check if it's Ravi. Nope it's Wanda again:

W <3: I love you.

W <3: I just want to know if you're okay.

W <3: I'll stop texting now, but if want me to come over or talk just call okay xx

Maybe I should answer her...no she sees I'm reading these, that should be enough for her to know I'm alive right so it's good...not really, but it's something. 

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