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"You finally made it," I am greeted by Nat who gives me a quick hug, followed by Carol tackling me in a bear hug. "She's had a few drinks already," Nat explains with a laugh when Carols plants a kiss on my cheek before walking away without a word.

"Ahh, well good she's having fun."

"More like a needed distraction since her girlfriend went home for Christmas earlier, they're very dependent on each other, I thought drinking might cheer her up."

"I get that, I honestly don't know if I could be away from my girlfriend for a whole week at this point," we laugh a little but I see Nat giving me a smirk, "what?"

"I gotta know, how'd you end up dating our teacher?"

"I'm not sure to be honest, she was just helping me study for a make-up test and I don't know it felt like I had known her forever you know, like it was just so normal hanging out with her, and I don't feel comfortable that easily around people and I don't know suddenly we kissed and one thing led to another and now she's my girlfriend and we live together."

"Yeah, but I always thought she was married."

"She was yes. Is sort of- technically still..."

Even more intrigue comes across Nat's face, "so you broke up a marriage?"

"Well...maybe...I guess I did, but it's more complicated than that, she wasn't happy, and she had been thinking about getting a divorce for a long time, and I didn't mean to- I wouldn't- if she was- like I'm not-"

"Don't worry I'm not trying to hang you out or something, just wanna know more about it, it's interesting that's all." Nat says while getting both of us a drink from the bar, I take the beer she hands me with a small smile.

"It's really not that interesting." I tell her when we start walking over to where Carol and a guy is sitting and chatting in this cute little bar, low soft lights, brown leather couches and green lamps. It a very comfortable space.

"Yes it is, because you ever feel like teachers and professors don't exist outside of school, and now it's like you have all the information to what Miss Maximoff really is like and I'm curious."

"I used to think so when I was younger but now it's like we're pretty much the same age as a lot of them, though I'm starting to believe I only think that way now that I'm dating one. But I'll clue you in to what she's like, what do you wanna know?"

"I'm not sure, just anything really. Like just who is she, I never really got a read on her."

"Hmm well she is a little closed off for the most part. You know she's very caring and kind despite having been through a lot. She opens up when she feels comfortable with someone but isn't really interested in finding more people she's comfortable around. She's obsessed with sit-coms and chocolate milkshakes, she prefers staying in, hates being alone and being cold, she's actually really childish and a big dork. She takes being a teacher very seriously, like if we fail – she feels like it's her fault for not helping us understand more. She's a light sleeper and wakes up easily, she loves driving around just to think, she loves babies as well – she wants like 5 kids, and there is this super adorable thing she does with her nose where she scrunches it up – it's the cutest thing ever, and umm she is very considerate, and I don't know she's just amazing."

I gush over Wanda, and when I stop I see Nat laughing at me, "you are so in love. It's adorable. Your eyes light up when you talk about her you know." I feel my cheeks burn and I can imagine I'm turning into a tomato right this second. I love her so much it sometimes feels unreal, and this is the first time I actually talked about her to someone. I like it, it's a little weird – I'll admit but at the same time I love talking about my girlfriend, I can't do that with many people, and it's cool of Natasha to care enough to ask.

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