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We drive in silence. It's a nice cold morning. Everything is frozen and the sun is dancing around as shimmers. I hear Wanda sigh softly as she takes a deep breath.

"What's on your mind honey?" I say as I turn my focus away from the road. I take a hand to her thigh stroking gently.

"Nothing really, I usually think about what I'm going to do throughout the day while I drive. Today just seems like a long day, that's all."

"I'm sorry to hear that, anything I can do to help?"

"Oh I can think of a few things, but none that we have time to do."

"Right maybe not today but trust me we'll find time for that later. Anything else you need help with?"

"No it's okay, I think I got it covered. Thanks though." She has a soft smile on her face.

"Let me know if you find something, I mean it. Anything from a hug to bailing you out of jail."

She starts laughing at me, "what do you think of me? Bailed out jail, really?"

"I don't know what you do with your time." I jest. "Plus I don't judge, you do you. I'm just saying if you need anything I'm here."

I feel her take my hand with one of hers. She brings it up to her lips and kisses it before resting her nose against it for a minute. "Thank you."

"I haven't done anything yet." I carefully tuck away the hair getting in her face.

"You have done a lot more than you think my love." She rests her head against the palm of my hand.

We reach the school and there is almost nobody there, "are we early or something?" I ask as I look around the near empty parking lot.

"I guess you're early I'm actually running a bit late." She says as she gets out the car, I take a look at the time for the first time today, it's almost an hour before any class starts. Ugh what am I going to do.

I get out and follow Wanda to her office, she immediately starts sorting through a bunch of papers and I plop down in her desk chair. She sits down in my lap, and I hold my arms around her waist as she starts working? (most likely, don't know what she's doing to be honest) on her laptop. I breath in as my nose rests on her shoulder, getting a load of her pleasant scent.

"I'm sorry you have to be here early, I know it's not fun waiting while someone works." She suddenly says bringing me out of my thoughts. I didn't even realize I was somewhere else before she spoke.

"No I'm good, am I a tiny bit mad I could've slept for another hour sure, but will I get over it when I feel more awake, definitely. But right now I have a beautiful lady on my lap, and I don't actually have to do anything so I'm good." I smile into her shirt as I kiss her shoulder.

She stops typing and turns around to look at me. Here eyes are sleepy but focused. I feel her lips against mine for a brief moment before she continues with what she was doing. I lean back in the chair and close my eyes.

I don't know how much time has passed when I feel Wanda's lips on mine. I kiss her back as a reaction though I'm not fully awake yet. "You have to get to class." She tells me as she gets up. I feel a cold rush go over me as her body heat leaves me.

"Can't I just stay here?" I whine but she grabs my hands dragging me up.

"Sorry but you're in my class and it would be pretty irresponsible to let you skip." She laughs as I fall against her.

"Fine, fine, just kiss me again first." And she does. The kiss is too short in my opinion.

"You need to leave before everyone gets here, and we can't walk in together so you should really get going now."

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