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I'm on my way home, I'm actually fine. I didn't have much to drink, I thought Nat would go hard but she was looking after Carol, and I decided she had enough looking out for one person. I had a good time. They're good people, I'd even consider them my friends at this point. And despite it being a tad strange hanging out with Bucky, he's a cool guy. I think we're friends now too, I got both his and Steve's number saying we should hang out again.

The air is so cold and nice. I love winter. I love snow. And tomorrow is christmas eve or the Norwegian christmas eve which is December 23rd, I don't really celebrate christmas. Though the holidays are always nice, no school, time to relax, and spending time with family. Not that I have much family. My brother is here, and I guess I'll see him if he wants that. But it's also the first holiday I'll spend with Wanda, that should be fun. Hopefully the first of many.

I eventually make it to my street. I wasn't in a rush to get home, it's 2 am so I suspect Wanda is asleep. I fear coming back might wake her, and I don't want to do that if she has actually fallen asleep. I stop by a bodega, which is in the building next to my apartment, to buy some ice cream and soda. I don't really know why, I just felt like it. I also get some other snacks and hot coca for tomorrow to get in the holiday spirit.

Finally I make it to the apartment, carefully opening the door and taking off my coat and shoes. It's dark, but I can see light coming from the living room. The tv is on, there's some movie playing. When I get around the corner I see Wanda on the couch, her face red and puffy. Tears streaming down her beautiful face. I almost drop the grocery bag making my way over to her. "Hey honey what's wrong?" I take her face in my hands, she barely registers I'm there before I wipe away her tears.

"Hey," she takes a deep breath in – steadying her voice before continuing, "did you have a good time?" She puts on a smile.

I sit down next to her pulling her close to me, "why are you crying?"

"It's stupid, not important. Just tell me about your night."

"Nothing that has you crying like this is stupid or unimportant...please talk to me."

"I just- please don't get mad."

"Why would I get mad?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

"Just- I- I was just- I talked to Alex," I feel like someone punched me in my gut when I hear the name but I bite down on my lip and wait for Wanda to elaborate, "don't worry we were just going over some details for the divorce, for the contract, and we're meeting tomorrow to sign the papers...and I just- I don't know, I felt just-"

"You were sad...because you're getting a divorce."

"Yeah- but I don't regret it, I don't want you to think that, because I'm glad I'm not with her anymore-"

"Wanda- just- it's okay. I have never been divorced so I don't understand completely but I also know it can't be easy to end things. No matter how excited you may feel to get rid of Alex, the end of a marriage is something to mourn. You don't need to explain it to me," I get up from the couch and get a spoon from the kitchen and the ice cream from the bag before sitting down again, "if you need some time to sit and just feel sad and upset do that, or if you want to celebrate we can, but you do what you need to. I'll be here when you're ready. And if you want to talk about it – I have ears, I've been told I'm a great listener."

I hand her the ice cream and give her a peck on the cheek before getting up again, I take the grocery bag to the kitchen and put away everything quickly, before grabbing a soda can and a bag of red vines along with my satchel bag disappearing into the bedroom.

I return with a soft blanket and a pillow, I throw the blanket over her and the pillow behind her head, "so you're comfortable, and don't get cold." I give her another quick kiss, "I'll be watching a movie in our room and you can come sit with me and cry if you want to, or you can sit here and wallow alone if you prefer. Just take your time and tell me what you do want." I place one last kiss on her lips this time before leaving her alone.

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