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It's Monday morning two weeks later and I'm about to walk into school. My brother left yesterday, not the city, but he said he wanted to stay with Chris, since he offered a bed instead of a couch and his backs been hurting for well the past two weeks. I haven't talked to Wanda since she left that Saturday.

The first week I didn't bother showing up to school at all, but I went to my doctor and got it cleared with the school. Said restarting my medication was making it hard to go, which is partially the truth. The second week I went to every class except Wanda's. I'm scared to face her. Every time I saw her in the hallway I hid in the janitors' closets, luckily there's a lot of them. I also ate my lunch outside, it was cold sure, but not colder than Wanda not talking to me. To be fair I haven't tried talking to her either.

Currently I'm standing outside the classroom waiting to walk in. I'm already 10 minutes late, but I had an anxiety attack getting out of my car. I don't want to see her. I have no clue if we're together or not. I have no clue if she's leaving her wife or not. I just have no clue.

Okay, okay, okay, I have to go in. We have a group project after all. I don't want to see her. Does our stupid deal even count anymore? Do I have to become friends with them? I don't even know who they are.

I take a deep breath and walk in, everyone turns to me. Shit. I should've just stayed home. "Y/N, you're late." Her voice is holding an authority I have never heard. Is she mad at me? Or am I just late and my teacher is sick of people slacking?

"I'm sorry Wa- Ms. Maximoff." Fucking hell.

"Just take a seat Y/N and stay quiet." She looks at the floor. I quickly find a seat in the back and first now I look at her. Properly look at her. Her eyes are redder than usual, and she looks sad. She looks tired. Her hands go up as she explains something, I can't help but look at her rings. They're still there- I can't be upset about that. She told me she needed time, two weeks is decent, but I don't know how to define time. What's enough time? And maybe she isn't picking me anyways so what does it matter.

Maybe she's staying with her wife. Wow that hurts thinking about. But I guess it's fair if they can make it work there's nothing better...right? Right.

"Okay, so everyone find your groups and continue the projects. If you have any questions just ask." Fuck, what is the project even about. Who should I look for? Who am I working with?

Wanda's eyes meet mine. The green doesn't feel as overwhelming as it did last time, it just stings. She slightly nods her head in the direction of two girls on the other side of the room. I guess there's my answer to who I'm working with.

I get up after composing myself for a second, and make my way over to them, "h-hi, I'm Y/N...umm I think I'm working with you guys?" Why am I so awkward?

"Yes right, nice to meet you, I'm Carol and this is Natasha." Instead of holding out her hand to shake mine the blond flings her arms around me and pull me into a hug. What do I do with this?

"Call me Nat," the other girl says as she grabs my hand in a firm handshake. Okay better. More private. Both of them seem okay.

"So could either of you tell me what we're doing? I haven't really been paying attention." I admit with a small laugh as I sit down with them.

Carol gives me an understanding look, "maybe Nat can, I haven't been paying attention either to be honest."

"Well, I would if I knew, I haven't really been paying attention." We all start laughing. I get my phone out and find the attachment Wanda sent me on Friday, the last Friday I saw her, letting the others read the project description. They have been working on this for a long time, but I can't blame them for not having started, school maybe the least of their worries as well. Plus, procrastination is what people do best, myself included.

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