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A/N: Hello beautiful people, long time no new chapters but I'm back. As for why it's taken so long let's just leave it at; life is not for amateurs. But I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading this story, and for your positive feedback, it means a lot. I have no idea where I'm going with this story so if you have any suggestions or things you would like to be in the story or something you want more of, please let me know. ❤️

Wanda POV:



"Promise you'll never leave me." I open my eyes slowly and see Y/N sitting up next to me. The worry in her voice making me concerned, shaking the sleep away from me.

"What's going on?" I sit up tiredly, pressing myself into her to keep my body from falling down again. "Baby what's going on?" I say again when she doesn't answer me. Tears running down her cheeks.

"I don't know what I'd do without you. Promise you'll never leave me."

"I promise," I kiss her forehead hard, "I'll never leave you." I whisper against her skin.

"Okay," she says quietly before closing her eyes again, slumping down on the bed. I glance at the alarm clock on her bedside, it was 5 am. We haven't been asleep for long.

"Can you hold me?" She asks quietly when I lay down next to her again. I nod into her neck as I pull her into me, her front press against mine.

"Are you okay?" I ask carefully. I feel her nod ever so slightly, though I'm still worried I let it go seeing how tired she looked. I kiss her head a couple of times before closing my eyes again. Both of us falling asleep rather quickly.


I wait at the coffee table for Y/N to get back, she left a while ago to get something, I don't remember what she said, I was in the shower when she yelled she'd be right back. I mean she wasn't acting any weirder than usual, Y/N in the morning is very random, it all depends on what mood she's in, but it will also only last while she's still tired.

Eventually I hear the door open and shut followed by rapid footsteps. "Hi, I got us some coffee." She puts down the paper cups on the table in front of me. "The best coffee in the neighborhood, as far as I'm concerned anyways."

"Thanks," I say while pulling one of the cups towards me. I fiddle with the edge of the cup while contemplating what to say. Y/N is in arms reach of me so I carefully tug at her pants so she edges closer to me, until I can pull her down in my lap. "Hi?" She says with a confused look.

"Can we talk about what happened tonight?"

"Oh um, I guess..."

"It's just- I'm just- worried. Because you seemed really worried and upset, and I don't know what's going on but I was hoping maybe you could fill me in?"

"That's what she said." She grimaces and looks away while clearing her throat, "sorry. I- honestly don't know babe. I was just feeling bad about something and I couldn't stop thinking about it. That's all. I didn't mean to worry you, sorry."

"What were you feeling bad about?" I say gently grabbing her face making her look back at me.

"Oh nothing important. Today is a big day for you, no? You should get going soon, you don't want to be late. I can drive you there and while you're doing that I can go grocery shopping. We can plan what to do based on how you're feeling after, but I can pick you up again and then you just tell me what you need okay?" She rambles on.

"Sure sure that sounds great baby, and yes I should leave soon but not before you tell me what's up, because it's obviously important. Something that keeps you up and makes you panic in the middle of the night is important. Actually anything you're feeling is important to me. You are always important to me, so please just tell me. Maybe I can help ease your worry a bit."

"The ceiling that's what's up-"

"Stop deflecting with bad bad jokes. I cannot emphasize how bad they are even."

Y/N looks away again and takes a long breath, "when I was out yesterday with Nat and Carol I met two of their friends. This guy named Steve and the other, someone you know as well, Bucky-"

"Like the new Russian professor Mr. Barnes?"

"Yup that's him. And before he showed up I was- well I was talking to Nat about you and Carol and Steve joined the conversation. And like it was really nice because I have never talked about you to anyone and I guess I've never really had friends like them either to talk to so it felt nice. And Bucky showed up and I couldn't talk about you. I had to go back to saying you're just our teacher-" She picks at the knee of her pants as she talks while avoiding my gaze.

"-and that's fine, I didn't really mind. We were having a downer of a conversation anyways, just about how we're scared of losing our partners and that we're scared of you finding out you're better than us and stuff like that I guess. And then Bucky said that he thought you were nice and it was a shame he didn't get to meet your wife, because you were talking about here with so much affection and were calling her your everything. I guess I just got upset or whatever. But I thought it was okay because Nat and I talked and she- I don't know helped me see it form a different side, but I guess I'm just sort of worried still that I'm just a fling or something. Or that I'm insignificant in your story in the end because I was just there when it was convenient or something. I don't know it's dumb." She gets of me and walks away to our bedroom. I take a second before following her.

She stands by the bed making it, and I walk up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist as she stands up straight again. I kiss the side of her head so she'll relax into me and she does. I tighten my hold on her. I rest my head on the side of hers so when I start talking my voice is soft, barely above a whisper, "you are not insignificant, you are the most important and the best thing that has happened to me. Yes you were there when I needed a friend, but I had no idea I'd fall so hard for you. I love you. More than anything. You are the most important thing in my life, and I plan on it being that way until we have kids and then they'll be up there with you. My point being you don't need to worry, but it's not dumb of you to worry, I do the same. I think there is no way someone as good as you could ever want me. I think I'm dragging you through all of this complicated shit that you don't deserve and you'll get sick of it, and me, and leave. And I think you'll realize that dating me was the dumbest decision you made because you could have anyone you want, someone who is easy and you don't have to hide your relationship with. But I promise you this, there is no one else who loves you more than I do, I don't think it's possible. Because I love you so much..."

I turn her around in my arms so she's facing me, "...you're my forever Y/N, and I know it's weird that I'm feeling like this so soon, but it's really how I feel. When I look at you – I see my future. And though I worry I choose to trust you when you say you love me, hoping it won't end any time soon, or at all for that matter." I lean my forehead against hers, "now let's go get me divorced so there isn't anything hanging over us, well one less thing at least." I chuckle lightly and I feel her breath brush over me indicating she did as well.

"Thank you," she starts whispering against my lips, "I hope you're my forever, I love you too." She pecks my lips way too quickly and we both start walking back out. Like Y/N said I feel my stomach smile, I think I needed this too. Knowing she's as worried as me. I had no idea she had been this worried honestly. I know she worries but not that way. It feels like a load of that I'm not the only one who is scared that it'll go wrong. Not because I have a bad feeling, just because I want it to last, and it not lasting would crush me.

I grab my coffee cup, it's now lukewarm and perfect to drink. I take a long sip before walking to the hallway. I put on my shoes and my jacket. I look at Y/N with determination, I am going to get divorced and we'll have one less obstacle in our way. I just want her, and I am so ready to be free of Alex. Of unhappiness. Just of all the bad shit, and so so ready to just be happy with the love of my life. This will be good. 

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