Tris pov.
Oh he didn't cheat on me. I was having a bad dream. It is just a dream. Not real. I keep telling myself that as he hugs me and i cry into his shirt.
"Never leave me ever." I said in his shirt.
"Sure tris. Forever and always." He replied me. I smile at his reply and snuggle up to him and sleep again. This time with a better dream.
*next morning*
I wake up and Toby is not here with me. I climb out of bed and took my phone and started texting the group. I then see Toby's message saying
'meet me at the park at 10am. I have a surprise for you.'
I smile at that and walk lazily since it is only 8 in the morning. I get ready for whatever he have for me and left for the park.
When i reach there in my red ferrari, Toby is with the gang, eating. I smile and walk there. Just then, Cara and her gang of sluts walks there too. I roll my eyes as they sit down next to Toby and if you see closly, Cara is slipping her bloody hands into his shirt. I burst into flames and shout across the damn park, "CARA GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS OFF MY BOYFRIEND." She looks up in shock and sees me. She then smirk and hold onto Toby's head and turn him to her while Lauren covers his eye with a cloth. The gang is trying to stop them while i race there and take the butter knife but peter beats me to it do i take the fork and throw it towards Cara's hand and it poke through her hand. She scream really loud you could go deaf and peter stabs Lauren in the eye while the other girls ran away. Lauren then scream now and i am deaf for 5 seconds. Help me ears!
Now the sluts have run off to either the hospital for surgery and stiches or to their mummys.
*first day of college*
Today is my first day of college. After another month of haressment from the sluts, they finally ended up in jail for harassing us A.L.O.T. So we kind of got raged and reported them to the police. The great thing is that we all have the same class together. Bad thing is Toby and i are not in great terms now. I kind of caught him kissing Cara in my room. MY ROOM!

Fanfictiondivergent fan fiction in high school plus vampire diaries. What happens after high school?