Chapter 30

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Tris pov.

When i got out, i saw the most horrible sight ever. Seems like Stefan either didn't read my message or he just ignored me. Because Tobias is pissing Klaus off. He should really go now of not he will die. Klaus is literally 1000000000 times stronger than him. He is just a human... wait...... his eyes turned red and he started to fight Klaus. Just as Klaus is about to rip his heart out, i ran there and push him off. I have been training since i came here so i am as strong as the originals. I have been trained by them so ya... "ARE YOU CRAZY? WHY IS THE WORLD DID YOU PICK A FIGHT WITH KLAUS! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! I TOLD YOU NEVER TO FIND ME EVER!" I scream at Tobias. He just look at me with his saddest eyes and replied me "Tris, i came finding you because i love you and i am not ready to let go even if i die." My heart fluttered and the gang came walking behind with sad eyes filled with tears threatening to spill. I look back at them and ran into my room with my vamp speed.

When i am in my room sitting on my bed, Tobias came after me and started to comfort me. "Why did you come? Did you not see that i don't want to see you ever? I am not good enough for you, there is a cure for vampire but the problem is that there is only 1. Maybe if we get it, we can go to a witch and ask for her/his to help us to make more of it? Are you mad at me because i ran? I did not want to hurt any of you so i ran away. I probally sound like a pansycake now for running." I said to toby. "HEYYYYY! TRISSY! THATS MY WORD!" Uri shouted at the door. Apparently the gang have caught up with us and are giving me death glares for running from them." Haha uri too bad i stole it!" I said to him while fake stealing the word in the air. He pouted at me and Marlene 'comforted' him while he complains that i am a meanie.. "anyways, Tris, since all these drama have been sort of resolved, would you like to be my girlfriend again" Tobias said looking at me with full hope that i will say yes. "Hmmm... let me think about it..." Tobias immediately becamw really sad and as he is about to leave, "YES OF COURSE TOBY I WILL!" I shouted at him and started to laugh. He sigh and then his brain finally processed what i said, he immediately ran here and pull me up from where i am sitting and hug me tightly. Anyways..... we are finally back together again. Apparently, the originals are great evasdroppers because Rebekah, Niklaus, Elijah and Kol is right outside the door, listening. We have been in great terms since i came here with them.

Niklaus pov.

Oh man, great... She is back together with that Tobias guy friend. I should have made my move when he was not here. I mean seriously, i really like her. I know she is a hybrid tho. Her blood line comes from the first witche on earth. She just does not know it. I was gonna confess to her and also tell her about it today like NOW! Why did her ex-boyfriend just have to come and mess everything up for me?

Elijah pov.

Holly cow, WHY DID HE COME? I WAS GONNA CONFESS MYSELF TO TRIS!! Now i lost my chance because she is back together with him... I still hope that they can be together for a long time though. Good luck Elijah!

Kol pov.

Wow, i did know about this Tobias guy but i did not know that he is this hot. No wonder tris chooses him. I have no words. I like Tris, but now seems like it is impossible for us to happened. Good luck Tobias, you better cherish her or i will personally rip your head off plus your heart.

Rebekah pov.

Aweee i am so happy for Tris. We became besties when she ran with me from everything. We luterally left everything behind. Her friends are cool just that Stefan and Damon and everyone they like or are friends with except this gang hates my brothers and i. But i still am super happy for Tris!

Tris pov.

Since i am a vampire, i can sense my best friends by the door. I let go of Toby and whoosh to them and see that Elijah, Kol, Niklaus and Rebekah are looking very happy. In the boys eyes, i could see JEALOUSLY?! WHAT IN THE WORLD! WHY IN THE HEAVENS WORLD ARE THEY JEALOUS?! I have always known that i blood line is from the first witch ever existed on this earth. Now i can feel the power in me rising up. I want to know so badly why they are so jealous and what they are jealous about. Since i was born, i saw Katerine before. She tried to compel me once but i can't be compelled. That's when i found out that i am a witch. I just didn't get my powers that time. The powers in me only started to come through my veins.i can feel them.

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