I can't believe Damon would compel her to stab herself. STABBING HERSELF! I think he knew she is a witch. But she don't even practise how did she resist the compulsion? Wait... is she the strongest witch that i have been finding for so long to take niklaus down?
When i wake up this time, all i see is redness and only redness. I am totally freaking out now. I look at my hand and it is clean. How is the room full of blood and i am clean? I turn to my left and there sits Four. I don't know why but i ran to him and started draining him of his blood. Why am i doing this? Out of a sudden, a guy walks in and smile at me. His eyes turn red and fangs came protruding out of his mouth. He whoosh to Four and fed him his blood. He then told him to forget everything and go home. Four then repeat what he said and walk out of the room. I stare at the random guy with shock and almost, i said ALMOST fainted. He then pull another guy in and bite his neck, making the blood flow out continously.
I have this urge to go and suck the life out of that man's neck. After resisting for 1 minute, i whoosh there and suck every single drop of blood from the guy. When the blood just touch my tongue, i loved it a lot. It melts on my tongue, leaving a significant taste that makes me want more. I just kept drinking and drinking. Suddenly, i feel alive again. The guy smile at me again and put his hand on my back and lead me out of the room. He then finally open his mouth sayin,
"Hey my name's Stefan. The hunger your feeling now, its the hunger, the thirst for blood. Your a vampire witch since your the strongest witch ever born, you remained as a witch when i turned you. Don't kill me but i had to. I couldn't let you tell the people that vampire exists unless you became one of us."
"Hey stefan, but can i go home now? I am really tired." I said not surprised to what he said since my mum once told me about me being a witch and i had prractise before and i also know that vampires exist. I knew that he was a vampire when he tried compelling me. I just acted dumb as i wanted to become one. I love being a vampire. Everything about it is just perfect for me. After he finally nods his head, i push pass him and whooshed home. I spell my own braclet and wear it. I spelled my cute bangle set. So it will not be obvious since i wear it all the time. After i finish doing everything, i go to bed. It is Christina's birthday tomorrow. I am going to give her a macbook air, ipod touch and the fault in out stars book.
*next morning*
I wake up to the smell of blood and rush to the toilet and get ready for my meal. After i am done changing, i rush down and start feeding on matt, a a guy i met at the shop the other day. He is starting to faint and i stop. I gave him some of my blood and lock him into the guest room. I then take a bag and stuff all the things into my bag and headed off to school.
As i park my car, i see the gang standing there chatting away. I smile and get out of my car. I then make my way there.
"Hey tris, i know you didn't get me anything so well, bye." Chrissy said. We had this rule of at each other's birthday, if one of us don't give a present, she have to be alone for the entire day.
"Actually i did. Here's your stupid gift. And next time, before you make any assumtion, please use the method ASK." I said and stomp off. She stare at me with awe when she open her gift.
She screams very loudly. And i can say VERY LOUDLY, i smirk and walk to the math and the day of boring sch starts....

Fanfictiondivergent fan fiction in high school plus vampire diaries. What happens after high school?