Tris pov.
'Ding dong' the doorbell rang while Tobias and i are cuddling together watching the vampire diaries. (Luv that show) When i slowly walk there still in my purple sparkly dress and open the door. The whole gand is atanding there as expected but each of them are holding onto a present. "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TRIS!" They shouted when i open the door. My mouth turn into a huge smile that i can't stop from and they handed me the presents. I took them into the living room with the help of Chrissy and Marlene and Chrissy said " We are so going to re-do your birthday." "Sure?" I replied feeling unsure about it. "YOUR DRESS IS BEAUTIFUL!" She screamed in my face.
I forgot to tell her that i got new parents that adopted me this morning. Natalie and Joshua came walking into the saying "Tris, who are these people? Are they your friends that you have been talking about?" "Yes Mum and Dad, they are. This is Christina, Marlene, Shaunna, Lynn, Peter, Zeke, Uriah, And you already know Tobias." I replied them kindly. They loved it when i call them Mum and Dad. They smiled at me and said " Nice to meet you , Tris friends! I am natalie and this is Joshua, we are Tris's new adopted parents." Mum said smiling at everyone.
Chrisy said loudly literally" TRIS YOU HAVE PARENTS! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT IT!" "Chill Chrissy, i just founded out his morning. Seems like Tobias here helped me to fill out the form and passed to Mr Lim. So ya i have parents again!" I said excitedly and turn to my new parents thinking' i have a family again with Caleb and all my friends!' "Aweeeee thanks Trissy!" Everyone said in unison. "I was thinkinh out loud was i?" I said turning to Tobias. "Yup" he said popping the 'p'. "TIME FOR THE CONTINUATION OF YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY!" Uriah shouted. "I start first since it is my birthday." I said smiling to myself.
"Zeke truth or dare?" I ask. "Dare! I ain't no pansycake!" He replied. Everyone knows i give the worst dares and he is gonna regret it. He turn pale immediately after he said that. "I dare you to go swimming in the swimming pool downstairs for 5 minutes and then go to the extra room near the pool." I said with a smirk. "Sure! It dosen't sound so bad." He said having no idea that i keep the swimming pool super cold everytime and the room is like at northpole coldness. When we walk to the pool, Zeke took off his shirt , leaving him with his pants and underwear and he did a cannonball intot he pool. He immediately screems like a girl and tried to swim out of the water. I then said like talking to a baby slowly " ah ah ah 5 minutes
He pout and stay in the pool shaking and i took pity on him and told him to come out at 3 minutes. He then wore his shirt and walk tot he room with all of us following behind including Mom and Dad. They are the coolest parents ever. They would join in everyhing that i am in and won't critize at anything. When Zeke open the door, he started screaming while whining again and again saying " I DON'T WANNA GO IN! I DON'T WANNA GO IN!" "Zekey, who is a pansycake now?" I said forcing him to go in. I then push him into the room and close the room door. He started pounding onto the door and i open the door frame and the door became a door like a cell door. The cold air came rushing out but we don't fell the cold because we are already used to it. I took pity on Zeke again and passed him a huge jacket and a blanket and a towel. He dried himself still shaking like mad and wrap himself in the towel and wore the jacket and wrap himself with the blanket again. He then calms down and stay there for 5 minutes when i decided to let him out.
---------------*lazy to write anymore dares so ya ------
After the game, i open the presents and everyone went back home and Toby carried me to my room, laying my onto my bed after letting me chabge in the toilet to somehing more confortable, covering the blanket for me and when he is about to go off, i pull onto his hand and yank him onto the bed asking him to sleep with me beczuse i was cold. He then lay beside me and wrap his hands around my waist and i immediately felt warm. I slowly let the darkness consume me when i heard "i love you Tris." I was too consumed by the darkness to reply him and smiled to myself as i sleep.
Sorry if it is short! I almost forgot to update and i can't think of anymore ideas because my brain is exploding with all the chinese words inside for my class test tomorrow and mt math class test today's details are not gone yet so sorry for the lack of ideas! I literally spent the whole afternoon rushing to finish my homeworkssss and got stuck at DNT. Whoever who does DNT i think you should be hating it. If you don't then, good for you! Anyways comment, vote and continue reading!

Fanfictiondivergent fan fiction in high school plus vampire diaries. What happens after high school?