Tris pov.
Toby still haven't apologize to me. I am getting pissed at him be the minute. He is so fucking dead! He freaking deserve that punch i gave him when i caught him. It was suppose to be my birthday surprise and that was what i saw. What a durprise i got. Chrissy is coming over with the gang and no Toby. I am so glad that she didn't invite him. I really don't want to see his stupid face now.
The first day of college was a success. I thought i was going to be really bad. Seems like everything is great. I am hosting a party now so i am getting ready. I literally invited everyone but Toby but i invited them all infront of him. I don't really care anymore. I heard that Cara got bailed out of jail so he is probally just with her right now. He just does not care about my feelings and i don't even want to see him anymore. I have new friends in college but i really want to transfer out since all the boys in my class are so freaking annoying and they are just erg.
*3 months later*
Toby still haven't apologize to me yet. He is just fucking annoying. He is kissing Cara infront of me all the time now. He must think that it is my fault that he cheated on me. Anyways, i have already gotton all over him. I have a new crush now. This new kid who just came to our school and he is in most of my classes. He dosen't tell anyone his name. Even his name on the class namelist is blank. But he have been getting straight A's. He is my tutor for math as my math 'sucks'. I actually have full marks once. I fail on purpose so that i could talk to him.
Now it's music lesson.
"Class get into groups of 10." Miss wu said and i turn to the gang which now consists of Chrissy, Will, Shaunna, Zeke, Marlene, Uriah, Lynn, Peter and of course myself. Tobias is no longer in the gang because he cheated on me. We need 1 more person. The new kid seems to be lost and Tobias is bullying him. I frown and shout "Hey! Nameless dude. Come join my group!" He turn towards me and walk over. Tobias or should i say FOUR looks at my with wide eye and continue kissing Cara with the group of FUCKING MAN WHORES AND SLUTS. He really changed a lot.
*after school*
I am now walking to my car and i felt a sharp prick on my neck. In seconds, i b.l.a.c.k.o.u.t.

Fanfictiondivergent fan fiction in high school plus vampire diaries. What happens after high school?