Tris pov.
While walking to the office, someone bumbed into me." Watch where your going stiff" i said because when i look up there stands a boy who looks new because i didn't see him anywhere before. He stiffen up and mumbled a sorry after picking up all his books that he was carrying and scurry off. I smiled to myself in victory and walk down the halls and finally stopping when i see the word 'office'.
I push the doors open wide and walk in. Miss tan, who knows everything that my 'father' does to me asked" what do you need tris? Bandages again? How's your back?" " i need my schedule,no and fine thanks!" I answered. "Ohh okay! I glad that you are fine!" She said. Miss tan had always been like my second mother after my real mother ran away leaving caleb and i alone with the devil.
She pass me my schedule and i thanked her and i went to my locker number '46' and key in my password '4610' and dumped my things in taking my phone, stuffing it into my back pocket, looking at my schedule and take the books that i need and close my locker.
I haven't properly look at my schedule so i look at it now.
1st period: math (mr james) (arg way to start the day
2nd period: art (miss wu) (wayyyyy i love this teacher. She is the second person who knows about my father.)
3rd period: science (mr eric)( arg)
4th period:lunch ( yayy)
5th period:music (miss wu)
6th period:free period (YAYY)
I sighed and walk to math. When i enter the class, i see the boy who bumbed into me in the morning sitting on my seat. MY SEAT HOW DARE HIM. Oh well. I walk up to him and dumbed my things onto my table and sweep his onto the floor, picking him up from his collar, letting him go onto the floor , sitting onto my seat shouting at him " THIS IS MY SEAT NEVER SIT ON MY SEAT EVER OR THEN NEXT TIME WILL BE WORSE." The geek look at me with his innocent dark blue eyes almost tearing up but i just laugh at him and talk to christina who suprisingly is in math too.
After a long day in school, i couldn't stop thinking of that dark blue eyes and his face. I walk up to my purple ferrari ,letting chrissy in and drove to the mall.
After hours of shopping, we finally go home. I drop chrissy off and drove home to the devil. I saw that Caleb's car is already there, i sigh in relieve. At least there's someone who is good at home. I open the door and thought ' time to face the devil.'
How was it? Bad again? Itz okay just help my in the ideas part! No judgeing! Do continue reading!

Fanfictiondivergent fan fiction in high school plus vampire diaries. What happens after high school?