Tris pov.
"Christina truth or dare?" I ask. "Dare""i dare you to drink a bottle of water down in 5 minutes without goong to the toilet for 2 hours." (I know, lame but i can't think of any dares haha)"okayyy i will only do it because i am bored" she went to the kitchen and find the smallest bottle of water which is 600ml. She sighed and ask me " why do you have to give so weird dares?" I just shrug at her and laugh as she attempts to chug it down in afew seconds but fails. Christina gives me an evil look and said "Tobias truth or dare?" "Dare" "i dare you to give Tris a make over. "Okay" he took her makeup bag and drag me to the toilet.
He took a bright shiny purple eye shadow and patted it onto my eyelids. Then, he took a bright pink eyeshadow because he thinks the blusher is not very bright and put it all over my cheeks. Not i look like a clown. He then take a purple lip stick and spread all over my lips even over it like miranda sings and made me sing blank space like miranda sings (like the video on top)
After he is done with destroying my
face, he said" DONE WITH MY MASTER PIECE OF I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HECK IS THAT" he pushed me out of the toilet making me stumble on my feet and fell flat on my face. Suddenly, something warm and wet started to flow down my nose, face, everywhere since the floor there is very rough and everyone was laughing at me. No one came to help me for my bleeding body. I climb my way up the stairs while crying. Nobody seems to notice that i am injured. They thinks it is just part of the makeover. When i finally reach my room, my face and body feel like it is on fire. I tried to walk to the toilet but fails as i stuble on my feet again and crawl to the toilet after slamming the door shut. I sit in the bathtub and on the tap. The blood went flowing down the drain as i cried. Tobias appeared at my door leaning against it not knowing what happened to me.
He walk over to me and gasp as he see the water turn red as it flow down the drain. He rushed over and took loads if tissue paper and applied a little presure on my nose while checking for injuries and attend to them then carried me out of the bathtub and set me standing. But i fell and cried. The makeup he put on me are smuging all over the place. He carried me to the bed after wrapping me around my comfortable bathrobe and let me sleep as he helps me with my nose.
When i wake up, i see Tobias sleeping soundly beside me and i turn my body to face him. I see that i am still in my bathrobe and i touch my face and the makeup is off. He must have helped me to clean them off. I look at my skinny body and see alot of bruise and bandages from all the falls. I turn to face him and stare at him as he sleeps. After about 5 minutes, i am still in my daze as Tobias said "how long were you staring at me sleeping beauty?" " i don't know? 5 minutes?" I replied standing up, heading to the bathroom.
He walk over to me and helped me into the bathtub before saying " i'll head home to bathe and come back here you just bathe and change and wait for me. Christina want to continue with the party from after you fell. With that, he walk out of the door next door and bathe to change. After i bathe, i change to a sparkle purple dress. Here comes the real party!
Sorry! I forgot to update! Actually i monday night already finish writing but my mum came into my room and sort of forced me to sleep><! Anyways heres the chapter with abit more things and really boring drama

Fanfictiondivergent fan fiction in high school plus vampire diaries. What happens after high school?