I hear a scream. Tris's scream. I ran as quickly as i can towards her and i gasp at my sight. She have been stabbed by the white oak stick by micheal michaelson. Her veins are turning purple. She is using her witch power to heal. She is so strong...
I pull my brothers and we walk towards Tris. Every wolf or vampire that came to us all drop on their feets and are now clutching their ears and eyes are bleeding. What in the bloody world is Tris doing with her witchy power? It's cool i can say but is kind of scary... Me! Rebekah michaelson! Scared of Tris's power. At least she's my best friend... I should never mess with her. I see that the white oak stick is not stuck into micheal's heart.
I got so pissed off by micheal as he freaking stabbed me! With the white oak stick! What the hell man! I slowly feel my powers coming out of me and my veins are turning purple. All in my mind was 'make them bleed' and all the wolfs and vampire hunters began bleeding. Blood is flowing out of their ears, eyes, nose, mouth. The michaelsons are infront of me and i made the white oak stick fly to my hand as i jump up and caught micheal off guard.
I stick the stick into his heart and step onto his throat. Niklaus came towards me and twisted the stick in micheal's heart. He then pull me away as micheal burst into flames. We watch as he burn and all the wolfs and vampire hunters run for their lifes with a bad headache.
"We should get a hotel this place is a mess!" Chrissy said walking over about 200 bodies. I took my purse and niklaus piggyback me to the hotel. His so funny and nice.. i wonder why people hate him so much. His telling rebekah and i a joke so we are now laughing like a bunch of crazy teenagers. This is what i call life!
After about one hour of qurrelling with the reception woman, we finally got our room. We have 9 rooms with connection doors in the middle. The rooms are in a row so we can run from this end to the other without banging into any walls. The rooms are like this:
Chrissy and Will, Marlene and Uriah, Shauna and Zeke, Niklaus, Me, Rebekah, Elijah, Tobias. In a straight row.
I walk into my room with only my new iphone and macbook that we just bought. I head to the bathroom and put my phone on music. I took my macbook and throw it onto my bed. I then went to bathe listening to Taylor Swift 'I know places'.
After a good 30 minutes bath, i finally stop bathing and wear my old clothes back. Niklaus said that he is going to bring us to go and buy some new clothes while chrissy and the gang went back to their homes and took some clothes. I then knock on the connection door to Niklaus's room and he opens it after 1 minute of ruffling through his room with nothing-.-
"Hey Niklaus, ready to go?" Is the first thing i said. I then look at what he is wearing. He is wearing a plain white shirt with a leather jacket and his long pants. Okay. I kind of have a crush on him okay? I look behind him and see Rebekah lying on his bed and Elijah adjusting his suit. I swear he never changes his style. They seemed ready to go too. "Yeaa.. lock your room door leave through mine" he replied me. I then did what he said and took my phone and we headed out.
Firstly, we took a cab to the Divergent Mall. They split the mall into 10 levels. 2 per catogery. They have the Dauntless catogery, which sell all black clothes, the amity catogery, which sell mostly red and yellow clothes, the candor catogery, which sell mostly black and white clothes, the abnegation catogery, which sell all grey clothes and lastly the Erudite catogery which i love to call it, the geek catogery, which sells blue clothes. I love going to the Dauntless catogery as it have black and red, black and purple, black and any colours clothes which matches perfectly with almost anything and i love black.

Fanfictiondivergent fan fiction in high school plus vampire diaries. What happens after high school?