I walk to one coffin and pluck out the dagger from Rebekah's chest and waited. Meanwhile, i teach them how to solve the rubik's cube. I twist and turm the rubik's cube. Within seconds, i solved it. Slowly, christina and tobias got it. They are now solving for speed. The rest, eh not so much.
Out of a sudden, Rebekah jump up and i ran to stop her from draining one of my friends. I dragged her to a random guy and she started draining the life out of him.
"Hello Rebekah michaelson" i said
"Hi Tris!" She answered me. We used to be best friends before her brother stabbed her and i stole her from them and stabbing them but niklaus was quite a challange since i had to enchant a dagger to actually work when i stab him. After a month of trying i actually did it. But, i didn't really pluck out rebekah's dagger after niklaus was taken down as i got distracted totally until today.
She looked at my ex-friends and saw the rubik's cube. She was the one who taught me how to solve.
"Hey Tris, lets have a challenge if who can solve it the fastest." She said out of the blue.
"But it's not fair! Your way better than me!" I replied her.
"Nope you better accepy this challenge!!" She said and threw me a rubik's cube while she takes one.
"GOOOOOO"chrissy shouted. I rolled my eyes at her and started solving. After a few seconds, i finished solving and it seemed like rebekah haven't finish solving her rubik's cube."YIPEEEEE I FINALLY WON YOU!!" I shouted in happiness. She smile at me and said "see i told you that time when i taught you that you would be faster than me one day" "Thanks rebekah!" I replied her.
After 2 more hours of teaching them how to solve a freaking rubik's cube, i learnt how to solve the 5 by 5 rubik's cube and now challenging rebekah again. The others are just challenging among themselves. And yet again, Rebekah won me. Not surprising.
"Hey why don't we have a party later at 7pm here! Invite everyone" Rebekah said out of the blue. I nod my head as Christina took out her phone and started calling everyone to come. The rest of the group just went to buy some food and went home to change. Rebekah wanted to dress me so yeah...
*party time*
I'm wearing a sparky silver and pink dress. (In the picture) As i take the stairs down from my room which is at the 5th level with Rebekah, the music could be heard really loudly. The lift is out of bounce so nobody can take it except me and my friends.
Everyone is here. I mean E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E even the president or something is here. Im so happy for this. I just got the news that all my friends had been turned into vampires from Rebekah. This is just great we can now live forever together literally.
--------5 mins later-----------
Out of a sudden, gun shots could be heard. Wolf howling loudly. I sensed that we are surrounded with vampire hunters including micheal michaelson. He is a vampire and he is a vampire hunter. The wolfs and the vampire hunters are working together now. Great. I ran up to the 8th level and plug out every single dagger in every michaelson and they came jumping up. Some pissed like Niklaus but he seemed to sense everything that is happening so he kind of calmed down. I lead them down and we formed a line of vampires. The people got chased out of the house by rebekah by doing whatever she did. Aparently they are blind so they cant see the million people outside the house ready to attack us...
1......They came rushing into my house in their wolf form and their guns with wooden bullets. Those bullets won't affect me n the michaelson n my friends but the other vampires, ya pretty much they will die if it reaches their heart... good luck to them. "STAY ALIVE" is the only thing i heard from Niklaus and we went fighting them off. Great. I have to fight in this dress. -.-
--------1 hour later--------
About one hour later, most of the vampire hunters and wolfs have been taken down but micheal is still standing strong. We are already quite weak as we have been bit here and there. Niklaus gave us his blood so we can cure the wounds easily.
Out of a sudden,

Fanfictiondivergent fan fiction in high school plus vampire diaries. What happens after high school?