Bullying the Bully

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"Megan, I'm sorry I have to say this, but you are expelled." Principal Hart sat on the other side of the desk, looking distraught as his hands rubbed his temples.

No, this absolutely could not be happening. I was expelled? How could this have happened? Well I mean I know how it happened, I just never expected to get caught. It really was  good deed on my end: Some freshman kid had come up to me about a week ago claiming a senior was bullying him. I knew it was my job to take care of this little situation, so I threatened the senior. When he refused to take my threats seriously, as most of them do, and continued to bully the poor kid, well I did what any sane PMS-ing teenage girl would do: I managed to get him fairly high up on the flag pole for everyone to see.....in just his boxers. It was one of my more difficult jobs, but I was incredibly proud of it. Other people, not so much.

But somehow they found out I did it, no matter how hard I tried to cover my tracks. Honestly, I was only being a good humanitarian. Sure, some people may look at me as a "bullying," but that's not what I consider myself to be. I am on the side of the underdog, the one who's sole responsibility is to take all evil out of school, yet there I was, in the principal's office, being expelled for a completely humanitarian-type act. 

It took a moment for me to find my voice, but when I did I certainly wasn't quiet about it. "What? Why?" I managed to shriek. Although I knew what I did wrong, there was no reason Principal Hart had to know that little fact.

He took off his glasses, looking at me with a distressed and worn out look in his eyes. "Megan, you do realize this is the third time in three weeks you've been in my office." Slowly, I nodded. I personally thought that was impressive. It was better than usual. "And every time you've been in here it's because you bullied some kid."

See, this right here was where our lines of communication blurred. Despite the number of times I tried to explain to my dear principal that I did not, in fact, "bully people," rather help out the underdogs of the school while using as much force and violence as possible to take down the actual bullies, Principal Hart for some reason never saw things my way.

I shook my head adamantly at his accusations, honestly a bit worn out that I still had to explain to him I was only helping. "No way! I wasn't the bully in these situations." I folded my hands in my lap, wondering if it was too late to pull of the innocent look. By the frustrated look he gave me...yes, in fact it was.

He raised an eyebrow. "Really, well if I ask any one of the kids you sent crying to the nurse's room, I think they would say differently." Of course he would go there.

Sighing loudly, and strongly resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I spoke up. "Mr. Hart, please, do not insult me by getting the facts wrong. Out of all the times I, well as you put it, 'bullied someone,'" I even put this part in quotations "I only ended up sending three people to the nurse's room. But in all fairness, these people truly really deserved it."

He shook his head as he gave out a sigh that seemed to scream 'Why me? What did I do to get stuck in this situation?' He thought he had it hard? Try getting a guy who weighs twice as much as you up a flagpole. Now that is hard. 

"Do you remember the little incident a month ago, Miss Greene?"

I shook my head, suddenly avoiding eye contact because both of us knew perfectly well I remembered:


"So, Rachel, you wanna hang out later tonight?" The total a-hole Duke said as he approached my best friend and me in the lunch line.

"Nope," She said, grabbing a tray from the top of the stack.

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