Chapter 17

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Soooooooo it's been a while. But in all fairness, you guys were supposed to comment and vote and all that. But I'm going to upload anyways, and btw, this chapter is short AND it's a cliffhanger. But omg....the next chapter is so good. so stick around for it!! :D

Vote, comment, and enjoy!!



"Hey, Megan." Miles had come up to me as I sat outside the school a few days after the horrible incident. Just when I felt guilty about the Tucker issue, Miles just has to come up and make me feel even worse.

"Hey," I said.

"So, I was wondering if you’re busy."

I knew what was going to come next. He was going to ask me on a date, but I didn’t want that. I mean, the whole reason I went on a date with him in the first place was to find dirt on Tucker.

"Um, you know what, I am. The twins are sick, and I’m supposed to take care of them." I shrugged. "Sorry."

But the look he gave me made me feel horrible. He looked so disappointed, and at that moment I felt even worse for using him. I didn’t have the heart to tell him this thing between us was over.

So, being the stupid person I was, I accepted. "But, my sister kind of owes me one. So, I’ll make her babysit. I’m up for it."

His face broke out in a smile and he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I watched him walk away, causing me to feel even worse.

I had really messed things up.


After school, I walked into a room full of people all discussing something which sounded unimportant until I cleared my throat. They all looked at me with bored expressions as I spoke. "Um, I was wondering if you could play this tomorrow morning during the announcements."

I handed the cd over to the boy I recognized from the school announcements. "Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes.

I turned to walk away, feeling horrible. Tucker's life in highschool was going to end tomorrow, and it was all going to be because of me. The only person who saw the good in him. 

And what’s worse was I had to get through a date with Miles, the whole time knowing what was going to happen tomorrow morning.


I didn’t bother to dress nice, but I made sure I didn’t look too bad. I told Miles I’d meet him at the restaurant, because if I picked tonight to end things, I didn’t want to have an awkward car ride home.

I walked into the restaurant and immediately spotted Miles already sitting in a booth in the back. I took a deep breath as I made my way over and sat down across form him.

"Hey, sorry I’m late," I said giving him a smile.

"No biggie." I looked down at the menu in front of me, honestly having no appetite at all.

"Hello, how are you doing today?" I looked up at the sound of a familiar voice, and found a familiar face staring back at me. He cleared his throat before speaking again, "My name is Tucker and I’m going to be taking care of you today."

My life was hell.

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