Bullying the Bully Chapter 5

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"Megan!" I heard Savannah call my name that day at lunch. "Ryan wants to talk to you."

I followed her to the library, and saw Ryan sitting at the same table as the day before.

"Hey, Ryan," I said as I sat across from him.

"Hello," He whispered, before quickly looking down.

"So, Megan," Savannah said, "Ryan wants to know what your plans are for taking down Tucker."

Shrugging I said, "Violence."

"Violence?" Ryan spoke suddenly. "That won't solve anything with Tucker. If anything it will only make him more angry. And besides, I doubt you could beat him."

"Well, excuse me," I said, slightly offended, "In every fight I've been in, I've won every single time."

"No, Megan. Tucker is good. Really good. You're only going to end up hurt. Don't fight him."

I looked into the pleading eyes, and eventually sighed. "Fine. I won't fight him, so I guess it's time for plan B."

"Which is?" Savannah persisted.


"Blackmail? That's the only thing you have?" She asked.

"Tucker isn't like most bullies, he's tougher."

"What if you get caught? You'll get into serious trouble. And besides, there's nothing to blackmail Tucker with."

 Truth is, I was extremely terrified of getting caught. I needed to go back to my old school and to my old life. But, it seemed like it was worth it, if I was helping people like Ryan.

"If I get caught, I get caught. And sure, there isn't anything to blackmail Tucker with right now. We have to spy on him."

"No thank you," Savannah said. "I'm scared of what Tucker will do if he catches us."

"This is the only possible way to take that asshole down." I argued. "Come on, I will do this with or without your help, but it'd be easier if you were on my side."

"I'm sorry, Megan. That's too hard. You're on your own." I looked over at Ryan, who looked at his sister then me, then finally looked down at the table.

"Okay, fine. But I'm still doing this." With that I got up and walked out of the library, trying to act like I had all the confidence in the world.


The next few days passed my quickly. Every second I was at school, I would spy on Tucker. Yeah, I know I sound like a total stalker, but this was the only way. The thing was, I couldn't find any dirt on him!

It wasn't until three days later that my plans changed for the better. I was walking into school one Monday morning when I heard my name being called.

"Megan!" I turned around to see Ryan running to me.

"Hey, Ryan, what's up?"

He looked around, just to make sure no one could hear us. "About the other day in the library, the only reason I didn't help you was because my sister was right there."

"It's fine, Ryan."

"No, Megan, it's not. Savannah would kill me if she found out I was spying on Tucker, but I can't let you do this alone."

I sighed. "If we get caught, this won't help your bully situation."

"I don't care, Megan. I'm going to help."

I stood there, knowing I should tell him no, he could get hurt. But then again, I needed someone's help, I hadn't exactly gotten anything on Tucker yet.

"Fine. You can help, but not a word to your sister, all right?"

"Of course not." He said, smiling as we made out way into the school.


 "Megan, my mom wants you to go pick up the twins at their daycare." Karen yelled to me as I flipped through the channels on the TV after school that day.

"You can do it." I yelled at her.

"No. I did it last time. And besides, Adam is coming over."

I groaned as I stood up, knowing there was no point in arguing.

"Fine," I got up and got into the car.

Ten minutes later, I was standing in the lobby of their daycare.

"Hello, Megan." The receptionist, Martha said.

"Hey, Martha. I'm here to pick up Amy and Becka."

"Sure, I'll have him bring them out."

"Him?" I asked. "What about Pat?"

Shaking her head she said sadly, "She quit last week. But it's good we found a great replacement. He is just so adorable, and loves kids."

I nodded, as I went to go sit in one of the chairs waiting for the little devils. A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal the twins. "Megan?" Becka asked with her attitude.

"Why couldn't Mommy have picked us up?" Amy complained as I rolled my eyes and walked over to them.

"Come on, time to go home." I said as I grabbed their hands.

"Oh, Becka you forgot your bear."

We turned around to get her teddy bear, and what I saw surprised me.

There, standing in the door way with a heartfelt smile directed at the twins was Tucker Branch.



Okay, this chapter is kind of crappy and short. But I'm going somewhere in a few minutes, so this little chapter is better than nothing at all, right? :)

So, yeah, the story is about to take off. And some of you (out of the few people reading) are probably like "When is romance going to come into this story??"

It will soon, I promise. Just have patience.


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