Chapter 9

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HEY! I'm back.'s been a while...I know. And I apologze, there's just so much going on lately. I am about to move, and let me tell you. The packing process is sooooo fun. (That was sarcasm)

So in the future I will try not to make you wait so long. I will just get on with the story now. Enjoy :)


Family dinners were always awkward and embarrassing when we went out in public. The only normal ones at the table were my uncle and me. Yeah, saying I was normal was a big thing.

I sighed as I stuck my fork into my raviolli and fought the urge to roll my eyes as Aunt Linda talked to Karen about how cheerleading was. Aunt Linda was still stuck in her glory days, and it was so annoying when she brought them up--which was all the time.

Tuning out her constant drone, I looked around the restaurant, taking in my surroundings, when I saw a familiar face sitting at a table on the opposite side of the room. His dad was there, glaring at the woman across from him while her mouth moved quickly and flipped him the bird every once in a while. And throughout this entire ordeal, Tucker Branch sat in the middle, awkwardly playing with the plastic straw in his drink.

He looked so helpless and innocent, and if I had never met him before, I would have actually felt sorry for him. But I knew Tucker, so any pity that came in my mind was quickly washed away. I couldn't help staring. I was intrigued. I wanted to know what was happening.

I noticed they were close to the bathroom, so I excused myself from the table to casually walk by their table so I could just happen to overhear their conersation. However, I didn't notice the waiter with the tray full of food behind me as I scooted out my chair, causing him to fall, spilling food everywhere and making a loud sound as he crashed to the floor. I was standing up, looking down at the waiter in shock, realizing that everyone in the restaurant was looking at me.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry." I helped the man up, who wiped off his uniform with a scowl on his face. I got the feeling he didn't like me. A few other workers came out to help clean up the food and broken plates as Aunt Linda began yelling at me.

"Sit down, this instant. You are embarrassing the family." Aunt Linda scolded as people slowly resumed their previous conversations.

I slowly sat down, scooting the chair in as far as possible, careful to avoid anymore accidents.

I remained silent until Aunt Linda continued to talk to everyone--aside from me--before I hid my head in my hands. Wow, that was slightly embarrassing.

I took a quick peek over at Tucker only to find him looking at me curiously. We made eye contact for a few seconds, before I looked away, pretending to be engrossed by what Aunt Linda was talking about.

That woman seriously never shut up.


After-school work was boring...and hot. I was picking up a few empty bags of Doritos muttering silently to myself, "Stupid people. That's why they have trashcans."

A shadow covered me from the sun, and I turned around to come face to face with Tucker. "Quite a performance last night."

My cheeks flushed a deep red as I turned away and continued to pick up more trash. "Tucker, I'd prefer if you didn't laugh at me about that. My family already ridiculed me enough last night." I cringed, remembering all of their hurtful remarks. That was something I knew they wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon.

I saw him shake his head. "I'm not here to laugh." We remained silent a few seconds before he spoke up. "Were those your parents you were with? You didn't look like them."

I turned back to him, annoyed. I didn't want to explain my whole life story to Tucker Branch. He would tell everyone, and basically, this was something I didn't many people to know. It hurt too much.

"No, they were my uncle and aunt." I sighed. "Leave, Tucker."

He remained silent until I finally met his eyes again. All signs of the bully Tucker were gone, and were replaced with a cute guy giving me a sympathetic look.

"Where were your parents?"

I ddn't look away from him as words came out immediately. "I don't know." I wasn't expecting Tucker to understand what I meant by that. For all he knew, they could have dropped me off to visit my family for a while and had gone off to run some errands.

Yet a look of understanding crossed his face as he said, "I'm sorry, Megan."

Silence passed between us again. It wasn't awkward, though, it felt right. However, the moment was ruined when Miles walked up behind Tucker.

"Hey, Megan," He said, not even looking at me. Instead glaring at Tucker.

Tucker continued to glare back as I said, "Hey, Miles."

They stood glaring at each other for a few seconds, not wanting to back down. Men and their stupid male egos.

I rolled my eyes before I yelled, "Guys, stop."

They both looked at me. "Tucker, leave." Sure, it was a little harsh, but I wasn't supposed to actually be friends with this guy.

It was at that moment that I saw it. A flicker of what looked like hurt crossed over Tucker's face before he shook his head. And just like that, the same old Tucker Branch was back as he took the trash bag I had set down and poured out all the contents I had picked up.

"Get lost, ass hole," I shouted as he gave a small chuckle.

"Bye, Megan." What was that all about? Tucker casually walked away, not even looking back. First he acts all sweet and caring, then suddenly he goes all jackass on me.

"What were you talking about?" Miles asked, interrupting my glare towards Tucker's back.

I looked at Miles as I sighed. "Nothing, Miles. Really."

He raised an eyebrow as I bent down to pick up all the trash Tucker had spilled out.

There was silence, but unlike with Tucker, this silence was awkward. I was trying to think of something to say until Miles finally spoke. "So, I was thinking. We should hang out Friday night."

I looked up at him in shock. Miles was asking me on a date. Why would this gorgeous boy want anything to do with me?

He must have taken my silence as a no because he began talking fast. "I know we've only known each other for a few days and all, but you seem really cool, and I want to get to know you more, and--"

"--Sure. It's a date.' I said, cutting him off. I stood up, facing him as huge smiles appeared on both of our faces.

"It's a date," He repeated as he slowly began walking away. "See you later."

I watched as Miles walked away. I stood there, smiling joyfully, realizing I probably looked really stupid.

I looked around to find no one was watching....except for Tucker. When we made eye contact, I could tell the ass Tucker was here, not the nice one I had talked to a few minutes ago. He picked up a piece of trash, still looking at me before he finally shook his head and turned around to walk away.  

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