Chapter 19

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It's unedited so there are probably plenty of mistakes. This chapter has a lot of drama! Enjoy! :)


I came home that night to find my family sitting around the table, eating. I decided to join them, seeing as how I yelled at my date before I actually ate anything.

I sighed as I pulled out a chair, causing everything to go silent. "Wow, back already?" Karen asked, as I shrugged.

I grabbed a plate and began to pile on food.

"Did you even eat?" She asked.

"Nope," I said, forcing a smile. "So, how was everyone’s day?"

"Tucker was talking about you," Becka said, causing me to freeze.


She nodded. "He likes you." She gave a gap toothed smile as I felt a twinge in my heart.

"No, he doesn’t," Oh, yes. He does.

I looked at Uncle Tim who looked confused. "Megan, is everything okay?"

I nodded. "Everything’s great." I turned towards Aunt Linda. "Wow, these mashed potatoes are amazing."

She raised an eyebrow, considering the fact that I had never complimented her on her cooking.

"Thank you," She said, quickly composing her surprised face.

Everyone remained silent as I ate my food. I looked up as I took another bite of mashed potatoes to find everyone staring at me. "What?"

They all looked at each other before shaking their heads and resuming their conversations.


That night I couldn’t sleep, and by one o’clock, I knew it was useless even trying. So then an idea hit me. There were three rolls of toilet paper in my bathroom and a carton of eggs in the fridge. I dressed in black, getting all the supplies then snuck out of window.

I had to do something nice. I already screwed everything else up, so why not be selfless for once? I stood on the lawn of Adam’s house, angry that I once was in love with this pathetic boy.

I opened up the carton, staring at the eggs, knowing I had a choice. I could just leave, or I could stay and get revenge.

I chose the second option.

I began by throwing an egg at the the front window. It missed, hitting the wall next to it, but I still let out a laugh when it hit. I threw another egg at the door, feeling excited with the exhilaration I was suddenly feeling. I threw another egg, then another, until all the eggs were gone. Thankfully, had toilet paper, and I did I couldn't help the self satisifed smirk that appeared on my face as I threw it over their talls trees, just knowing it would take Adam weeks to get it off.

My plan was going great, and I was actually enjoying myself….until the door opened.

"Hey, you. Stop what you’re doing." Adam’s dad was standing in the doorway yelling at me. There was no way I could let him see me, or they would have the cops arrest me for vandalizing.

Without even thinking, I began to run as fast as I could. But unfortunately, I didn’t think he would start to chase after me. And damn, that guy was pretty fast.

It was such a shame that I chose that exact moment to remember Adam’s dad was in the Olympics for long distance running, actually taking home a bronze. I silently cursed myself, and made a mental note to start running more, because less than 200 feet had passed and I was already exhausted.

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