Chapter 7

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I walked down the empty school halls, rushing to get my books out of my locker. Adam was going on a trip for three days, so when he and Karen said goodbye, it took about twenty minutes...and that was just the make out session. When we finally left for school, Karen whined the entire time about how she was going to miss him.

Let's just was not the best morning.

"Oh, ditching class now, are we?" I slowly turned around to come face to face with Tucker.

"I'm late," I said, turning to my locker. I fiddled with the lock, but it wouldn't open. I tried again, and nothing. I groaned as I tried a third time, finally getting it to open.

"Someone's a little annoyed." Tucker said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Get lost, Tucker."

"I think it's someone's time of the month." He said in a sing song voice. He did not just say that. There was no way.

"You shut up, asshole." I said, glaring at him while his grin grew even wider.

"If you say so," he said, shutting my locker. I groaned in anger, turning to the retreating figure.

"What the hell was that?" I shouted, as he turned around, giving me a big grin.

"Language." He said, laughing.

Shaking my head I said, "You are such a jerk." I walked up to him, prepared to give him a piece of my mind.

I stopped right in front of him, arms crossed, a firm scowl planted on my face. "I have dirt on you that the whole school can find out about if you aren't nice to me or Ryan."

He leaned in closer to my face, "I don't believe you'd try anything." What the hell had happened? Friday, Tucker looked scared when I found him at his job, knowing I was now in control of this game. But now he was back to his cocky arrogant self, who acted like he knew something I didn't.

I wanted so badly to wipe that smirk off his face. And that is exactly what I did. My hand collided with his cheek, causing his head to move to the side, and a bright red hand print slowly making its way onto the skin.

"You did not just do that." He whispered.

"That felt so good." I said, more to myself than to him.

"You're going to be sorry."

I shrugged. "Whatever."

"No, you don't mess with Tucker Branch. Ever."

He was now glaring at me with his jaw clenched. I walked up, closing the space between us, keeping my glare. "I just did."

"What is going on here?" A voice shouted from down the hall. The voice knocked us out of our glaring war, as we turned to look at who it belonged to.

"Where are your passes?"

I looked down at my feet. "I don't have one." I mumbled.

"And you, Tucker?" The woman asked.

He just shrugged, keeping quiet.

"I know you guys are ditching class."

"No, I--" She cut me off.

"Tucker, I have let you get off with multiple warnings for skipping class, but this is one too many. You have a week worth of after school work." I smirked, honestly having no idea what after school work was, but knew it was bad and realized Tucker finally got into trouble.

"Don't get too cocky, young lady." The woman said and I immediately stopped smiling. "You are joining him as well. Don't think I didn't see that slap."

Like I said before....this was not the best morning.

We could hear her heels clank down the hall as she left. Tucker and I were glaring after her. "This is all your fault!" I said a few seconds later.

"How is it my fault?" He asked, bewildered.

"If you didn't ditch class, I wouldn't have slapped you, and I wouldn't be in trouble."

Shaking his head he muttered, "Unbelievable. Whatever, Greene. See you after school."

He walked away, not glancing back and I was stuck there with a scowl on my face and a locker that wouldn't open.



I haven't uploaded lately, and I am sorry for that. Also, this chapter wasn't really long. Sorry again. I can't wait until the next chapter though...that's when it starts to get really good!

Also, if you haven't already, check out my other stories Finding Mr. just four weeks, and Falling fot the Suspect. 

Thanks for reading! Vote and Comment!


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