Chapter 16

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Hey, so it's been a while, and I apologize. I'll try to make this chapter extra long!!! I really like this chapter by the way, so I expect to get at least 3 votes and 1 comment?? All you have to write is "OMG. amazing!!" or, if you don't like it "Wow, that completely sucked." I honestly prefer the first one...but my point is it doesn't take long to comment or vote, and I just really like to know if people are enjoying my stories.

So I started a new story. And this one is really thought out. I am already so proud of it...although I only have one chapter so far...but please check it out!! It's called I wish I still had cooties. So, yeah, I would appreciate it if you read it and let me know what you thought. :)

So, I will get on with the story.

Remember!!! 3 votes, 1 comment!!!! AND....I won't post until you do. Haha....I'm mean ;)



I sat on the front row of the bleachers so I could make an easy escape. I sat there, biting my nails, a stupid habit I thought I had dropped, apparently not.

I was mad at myself. How could I have done this? I let people down, and it scared me. I had thought about ditching the assembly, but I knew I would have to deal with the situation eventually. Better sooner rather than later…although I was highly doubting that logic at the moment.

The principal’s voice rang through the air, silencing everyone. "Before we get started, there is a video that we are going to show to you." His voice echoed.

My heart sped up as I made eye contact with a smiling Savannah. I didn’t know how I spotted her. There were so many people in that gym, but I guess when you looked at everyone, it was kind of easy to spot her out of everyone.

She was the only one who had EVIL BITCH written on her forehead.

Okay, yeah, I know, a little mean, but she deserved it.

I looked away quickly, just staring at the floor in front of me. My heart was pounding so loud that I almost didn’t hear the music starting. A little intro played before it popped up,


I knew Savannah was glaring daggers at me right then, wanting to kill me, but I knew I did something right, I saved Tucker.

Slowly, I lifted my head to look at Savannah. Yep, I was right. She was glaring at me.

Not being able to take the nerves, I decided to get up and walk out of the assembly, claiming I wasn’t feeling well. I figured I could at least get a head start. I ran out of the gym, no one even glancing at me, and no teacher asking where I was going, and as soon as I made it outside, I ran. As fast as I could. I didn’t have a car, so I knew Savannah could catch up quickly.

I was running towards the open gate as fast as I could, and all was going well, until I tripped. I landed right on my face, and felt pain shoot through me. It took a minute or two for me to stand up, but when I did, I looked down to find both of my hands and knees were scraped and covered in blood.

So much for the quick getaway. I hobbled out of the school, knowing I wouldn’t even be home by the time the final bell rang. Then Savannah would kill me.

I was about to walk all the way off the school campus when I heard a car horn honk behind me. I turned around to find a red pick-up truck, and Tucker Branch in the passenger seat. I gave him a confused look, but he just rolled his eyes and motioned with his hand for me to go over to his car.

I sighed, but listened anyway. He opened his door and said, "Get in."

I debated about whether or not I should just walk. But pain throbbed through my hands and knees, but then I looked back at the gate to realize the bell would be ringing soon.

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