Chapter 13

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“Megan, can I talk to you now?” I heard Savannah’s voice ring through the halls as I tried to walk out of school that day once the final bell had rang.

I stopped, waiting for her to catch up before she continued her complaints.

“I was trying to talk to you yesterday, you know. But no, you had to go talk to Miles. What, is he your boyfriend now?” She asked with a glare.

I sighed. “I don’t know, Savannah. What do you want?” I didn’t mean to sound rude…but honestly, Savannah was really annoying.

“I want to know what you have on Tucker.” We had now stopped in the middle of the hallway. Just before I was about to respond, Savannah held up her finger. “And don’t say ‘I’m working on it’ either.”

I bit my lip, because that was exactly what I was going to say. “Savannah, I don’t know what else to tell you. I’ve almost got him.”

Yeah, not really….

“All I can say is if you don’t take him down in the next two weeks, you will get a visitation from the principal.”

I rolled my eyes as I continued walking, and didn’t even need to look up to know she was right next to me. “Please, the only person in this whole school that has that type of power is Tucker.”

I looked over to see her give a sly smile. “Megan, there is a lot you don’t know about me. But for now, let’s just say I have my ways. And you don’t want to mess with me. Two weeks.”

She walked ahead of me as I stood in the hallway, glaring at her. “Two weeks,” I imitated in a high nasally voice before rolling my eyes and continuing to walk.

I saw Karen’s car in front of the school when I got outside. I walked up to it to find her looking down at the steering wheel with big sunglasses on.

I opened the door and got inside. “Hey, Karen.”

She didn’t reply, which I wasn’t surprised about, but the thing that surprised me was she had her hair in a tight bun. Yeah, that’s all it took—and it seems like nothing—but Karen actually got into a five minute argument with me one time about why you should never put your hair up in a bun aside from working out, not only because it pulls out your hair, but also because it doesn’t look good.

“Karen, you ok?” She nodded as she started the car and began to drive away. We remained silent for a few seconds until she suddenly let out a loud sob, startling me.

“Karen, pull over.” She pulled over into an empty parking lot without any objection and parked. She began sobbing and it only took me a few seconds before I started patting her back. It wasn’t awkward at all, I just sat there as she lied her head on the steering wheel crying. It was the first time that I actually felt like Karen and I weren’t just cousins….we were friends.

It went silent when Karen stopped crying. She slowly sat up and took off her glasses, finally looking at me. She had smeared makeup and red puffy eyes.

“He cheated.” I shook my head in anger, immediately knowing who she was talking about. “I walked into his house. He was supposed to come over at three.  By three twenty he hadn’t shown up and I decided to go to his place. The door was open, so I walked in. And there he was, on the couch with some girl.” She hit the steering wheel causing the horn to honk. “I’m so stupid.”

“Karen, forget him. Adam doesn’t know what he’s missing, what he lost. You an amazing girl and there is no doubt in my mind you will find someone else. Someone better.”

She just stared at me though narrow eyes. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

I shrugged. “You’re my cousin.”

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