Chapter 8

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It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and I was picking up trash around campus. This was not fun at all, considering as how I had to see Tucker.

I had been at this cleaning thing for an hour and a half, just wishing Ms. Henly would tell us it's time to go. And my prayers were immediately answered.

"That's it for today." Ms. Henly yelled while bringing out a large trashcan for us to throw the trashbags in.

I let out a breath as I trudged towards it, but was immediately stopped when I fell. I was lying on the ground, as all of my trash came flying out of the bag, letting the wind carry it off. I turned around to see a smiling Tucker looking down at me.

"Watch where you're going." He said, as he laughed and walked away.

That kid seriously pissed me off. Why did he have to be such a jerk all the time?

"Are you all right?" I heard a voice ask, as I looked up to see a guy with sandy brown hair and blue eyes staring down at me. My breath got caught in my throat as I stared at this beauty.

"Y--Yeah." I studdered, taking the hand he was offering to help me up.

"Tucker can be a real ass. I saw what he did."

I brushed the dirt off my clothes. "Oh, um, yeah." It was the most intelligent thing I could say when talking to this guy.

"I'm Miles, by the way."

"M--Megan." And again with the studdering.

He flashed a dazzling smile. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around before."

I nodded. "Started last week."

"Well, we should talk more."

"Yeah, we should."

He gave me one last smile before walking away. Oh my god. I was in love.


"Now, what are you two going to do?" I asked the twins the next morning before they went to daycare.

"Talk Tucker into dressing up like a fairy princess." They droned on in unison.

"And make sure he comes out to drop you two off like that, all right?"

They rolled their eyes as they nodded.

"Good, I'll see you later." I patted their heads and chuckled as I walked away hearing their annoyed groans.


"It's not working." Savannah bombarded me as soon as I walked through the school doors.


"Of course. He stole his money, beat him up, then shoved him in his locker. That's worse than ever."

I groaned. Seriously, couldn't this guy ever give me a break?

"Savannah, I'm handling it. I have a plan. It will work."

"It better." She said before walking off.

Rolling my eyes, I made my way to my locker. I opened it, and began getting my books when I heard, "Megan."

Turning around I saw Miles standing there, a smile on his face and his hands in his pocket.

"Hi," I said, giving him a smile.

"So, how are you this fine morning?" He asked, leaning against the locker next to me. 

"Tired." I said, realizing just how close he was to me, and how soft his lips looked. I began imagining what it would be like to kiss him when I head, "Megan."

I turned around again to see Tucker walking up to me with a smile plastered on his face. It immediately vanished when he saw Miles.

"Miles." He said, in a completely monotone voice.

"Tucker," Miles said back. Wow, this wasn't awkward. "You can leave now."

Tucker shook his head while looking back at me. "I was just here to remind Megan about our after school work today."

"I didn't exactly forget, Tuck." I said, turning around.

"Tuck?" They both asked as I immediately turned back around to face them. Tuck? Where did that come from? I should not be giving guys like Tucker a nickname.

"I meant Tucker." I said, my face turning bright red as I faced my locker again.

Tucker let out a chuckle. "See you."

I groaned. Tucker had to be the most bipolar person ever to walk the Earth! One day he was tripping me and beating up poor little wimpy boys, and the next he was reminding me of our after school work and actually smiling.

"I don't want you talking to him." Miles said, as I turned to face him.

Wow. Wasn't this the guy I had just met yesterday? And now he was being all controlling.


"Tucker is a bad guy, Megan. And I can just see it from the way he looks at you. You're something he wants, and he will get it."

It took me a few seconds to understand what he meant. "You think Tucker likes me?!"

He sighed as he nodded. "Yep."

"No way. Tucker does  not like me at all. I'm trying to take him down here, and he knows it."

"Listen, I know what Tucker is capable of. We used to be friends." He looked down at his hands.

"Really? You and Tucker?"

"Yeah, best friends."

"What happened?"

He shook his head. "It's a long depressing story. I'll tell you later." He said as he flashed me a smile. My heart sped up, as his words replayed in my head. It meant there would be a later.

"Well, I better get to class." He said as he walked away.

Fighting the urge not to jump up and down screaming with happiness, I instead closed my locker door and rushed to class when I realized the bell rang ten minutes ago.

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