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So, here it is, the very end. :'(

I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. :D

As always, vote, comment, and enjoy :)



"Tucker's here!" I heard one of the twins call from downstairs. I bit my lip while I stared at my reflection. I mean, this was only a barbecue but this was Tucker. I wanted to make sure I looked perfect.

"Megan!" The twins called again, causing me to roll my eyes in frustration, walking away from the mirror and out of my room, knowing they wouldn't stop calling me until I came down.

I walked down the stairs, butterflies filling my stomach, something that ocurred every time I saw Tucker. Tucker was playing with the twins, causing them to giggle while I just laughed as I watched them.

Tucker heard me and looked up giving me one of his breathtaking smiles. "Hey, beautiful." He said, shooting my a wink. I ran down the stairs, suddenly wanting him to hold me and ran straight into his arms, not hesitating to give him a passionate kiss.

"Ew." The twins muttered, causing us to pull away and chuckle at their reactions.

"So, I invited Miles if that's ok." Tucker said after we caught our breaths.

"Yeah, that's fine." I replied, leading him to the back yard. The back door was already open so I dragged him outside and headed straight towards Uncle Tim.

"Uncle Tim?" I called, giving Tucker's hand a reassuring squeeze. Uncle Tim turned around from the grill to face me before his full attention became focused on Tucker.

"Well, hello there. You must be Tucker. I am Tim, it's nice to meet you," he said as he reached out his hand to shake with Tucker.

Tucker gave him a firm handshake responding with, "It's very nice to meet you, too, sir."

Uncle Tim seemed proud that someone had called him sir, because the wide smile on his face seemed to prove so.

"Well, you should introduce him to Aunt Linda if you haven't already. Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes and I'll get to know you then, Tucker." Tucker gave a little nod as I grabbed his hand, leading him across the yard again to where Aunt Linda was sitting, talking on the phone. I cleared my throat as she sat there, gossiping with the person on the other side of the line.

Aunt Linda looked at me angrily, shaking her head before turning to Tucker and shaking his hand. "He really said that?" She asked, genuinely shocked as she shooed us away.

"Well, that was an easy meeting." Tucker commented once we were far from her.

"Yeah, you're really lucky." I said, grinning up at him, wrapping my arms around him. He looked down at me with a mischevious grin on his face.

"I know I am." He whispered, causing my heart to flutter. I let out a giggle as Tucker moved in to kiss me, which was all too soon inturupted by the clearing of a throat.

We looked over in embarassment as Uncle Tim stood beside us with a stern look on his face. "Would you like to set the table, Megan?" NO. But I knew that is times like these, I didn't really have a choice.

"Sure." I said, faking enthusiasm, and I knew Uncle Tim could tell as he walked away, in the house. "Let's just hold off on the kissing while they're around."

Tucker pouted. "But Megan--"

I put a finger to his lips, silencing him. "No buts." He sighed, acting like a disappointed five year old as I led him to the table. We set the table together and after a few minutes when we finished, we sat down and began talking.

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