BLACKMAILING THE BULLY (1st Chapter of Sequel)

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Hello, again. Thank you guys so much for your support! I just finished the first chapter of the sequel and I'm pretty proud. The sequel will come later once I have more of it written, but I just wanted to give you guys a sneak peak of what's to come! The book will be called Blackmailing the Bully. I don't like the title that much, but I can't really think of anything else. Feel free to leave a suggestion!!

Summary: Megan Greene thought she had it all figured out. She had the perfect family, the perfect friends, not to mention the perfect boyfriend. But when her mother, who abandoned her years before, suddenly shows up on her doorstep, everything starts to go downhill very quickly. As she deals with unanswered questions, a bully who threatens her by blackmail, and heartbreak from her first love, she learns the terrifying tasks of forgiving and growing up.



"Megan?" I heard the confusion in Tucker's voice as I pulled away to look at him standing by the door to the kitchen. He was shocked to see I was crying. "Are you okay?" He asked, walking towards me, taking me in his arms. He looked at her as she stared back at him. "Hello." He said uncomfortably.

"Hi," She said, giving him a kind smile.

I looked up at Tucker before looking back at her. "This is my boyfriend, Tucker. And Tucker," I said, smiling up at the amazing boy who was all mine as tears shone in my eyes, "Meet my mother."

I stared at my mother as she sat in the living room, tears in her eyes as she nodded her head to whatever Uncle Tim and Aunt Linda were telling her. I hid behind the wall, just watching, just observing. After I introduced her to Tucker, Uncle Tim walked in, only to freeze at the mere sight of my mother. He had no words, none of us did. There was only room for tears. The barbeque we were having was cancelled and Miles went home, much to Karen’s dismay. Tucker stuck around for me, not saying anything, yet saying so much at the same time.

It had been an hour since my mother arrived. There were so many things I wanted to say to her. So many questions I wanted answered, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak. Instead I ran off and hid. But as I watched her talk to the people who became my parents, the one questions that popped into my mind was: Where was my father? Was she really the only one who missed me, because if my mother made the effort to see me, he certainly could have too.

“Are you all right?” Tucker whispered from behind me, touching my shoulder.

I didn’t look at him, still never taking my eyes off my mother. “I don’t know,” And I really didn’t know. For the first time in a long time, I was happy. I was finally content with the fact that they left, and suddenly my mother turned up from out of nowhere…without my father.

I don’t know what made me do it, but with a sudden amount of bravery I walked into the living room, the conversation quieting immediately as everyone stared at me, looks of sadness and pity all directed at me. I didn’t want their pity. I didn’t want them to feel sorry for me. I just wanted answers.

I stood, my hands on my hips, staring at my mother who gave a hint of a kind smile on her lips. I used to love when she would smile because I knew everything would be okay. If my mother was still smiling, I knew things would work out. But not this time. “Where were you?” It was the big question that everyone had been wanting to know.

No one stopped me and said I was rude for being so demanding. No one really wanted to mess with me at that moment. My mother gave an uneasy sigh, fidgeting with her hands. I suddenly really took in her features. She looked exactly the same, yet entirely different. She looked older, more gray in her dark hair and wrinkles on her tan skin. My mother always was beautiful. “Your father and I…ran into some money trouble.”

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