Bullying the Bully Chapter 6

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"Tucker." I said, smiling a devious smile.

He stood there, his smile completely gone, now replaced with a look of fear.

"You," I'm guessing he said that, because he didn't know my name.

"We were never properly introduced. I'm Megan by the way."

He still stood there, shocked. "It's nice to meet you too. Oh, and don't worry about me finding out you work here, it's our little secret. Well, for now it is." I gave him another smile as anger washed over his face.

"You think you can scare me?"

"Yep. I really do."

"I saw how you reacted the other day when my dad threatened to give you a detention. I could just make him write one up for you."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, please. I don't care. And just because I get a detention doesn't mean I won't tell everyone in the school that you have a soft side for kids."

Now, you may think this doesn't sound bad, but believe me, when you are as big a bully as Tucker Branch, the last thing you want is for a bad reputation.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

"What do you want?" He sighed finally.

"For you to stop bullying people. Especially Ryan."

He gave a dazzling smile. "But he's my easiest target."

"No, Tucker. No more, or everyone will find out about you."

He glared at me, before saying, "Fine. But I will get you for this."

"Yeah, I'm sure you will." I said, rolling my eyes. "Let's go, twerps."

I smiled as I walked all the way back to the car. It had take a little over a week to find something to use against Tucker, and when I wasn't looking, my answer suddenly came to me. Ah, Life is good.


Adam was over for dinner that night. He sat next to Karen.....and directly across from me. I tried my best to ignore how much they touched each other, and how he would look at Karen with a look of love in his eyes.

I silently yelled at myself to forget about Adam. He was in love with Karen, and not me.

"Megan?" Aunt Linda said, startling me out of my thoughts.

I looked around at all the expecting faces. "Yeah?"

"The twins say you were talking to a guy at their daycare." I shot them a glare, remembering how I begged them in the car not to say anything to the family about the little scene between Tucker and I.

"And she told us not to tell you guys." Becka said sweetly as she shot Aunt Linda the most innocent face.

I rolled my eyes. "He's no one. Just some guy I go to school with." I pushed my broccoli to the side.

"Megan, is he your boyfriend?" Aunt Linda asked as my eyes widened in shock.

"What? Tucker? No way. Far from it, believe me."

Uncle Tim thankfully spoke up, "Well at least Megan hasn't gotten into any trouble. You haven't gotten into any trouble, right?" He looked at me with a worried expression.

Sighing I replied, "Right."

After this, Becka and Amy got sick of having the attention on anyone but them, so they started talking about the beauty pageant.

I excused myself, as I walked to my room to call Savannah.

She picked up after two rings. "Hello?"

"You will never believe it!" I said, lying face up on my bed, staring at the ceiling.


"I found a way to blackmail Tucker, and he knows it too. I threatened that if he continued to bully Ryan, everyone would know his secret, so he agreed. Isn't this amazing?"
"Yes! You are amazing! Thank you so much! So tell me, what is the dirt?"

I rolled over on my stomach. "Sorry. He hasn't bullied Ryan yet, so I can't spill the secret."

She groaned. "Aw, your no fun."

"I know," I said, smiling. "I gotta go. And make sure you tell Ry the good news!"

"Will do. G'night!" She hung up as I sat on my bed, just smiling at the wall like the idiot I was.

I, Megan Greene, had taken down the school's biggest bully, Tucker Branch in just two weeks. Who knew it would be so easy?



I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Oh, and if you think this story is almost over and Tucker has officially stepped down as bully, think again. There is sooooo much more to come. Honestly, did you think it was that easy??

So, I would like at least 3 VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It can't be that hard. Just click the button that says 'vote' and you're all good. :D I just want to see if people actually like this story because so far I've hardly gotten any feedback. So, plz let me know what you think so far.



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