Chpter 21--THE END!!

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Wow, I cannot believe this is the end!!! I love all of my readers so much. Thanks for supporting and pushing me. Yes, there will be an sequel. But I am so happy. This is the first story I started on Wattpad and the first story I am finishing. I hope you enjoyed it because it was really fun to write. Thank you again and don't foget to check out my other stories!!

-Aly :D


"Megan," Karen asked as she stood in the doorway to my room. "I was wondering if maybe you can pick up the twins."

I bit my lip, thinking about Tucker and how he would probably be there.

"Please, Megan." She must have noticed I was about to protest. "I’m super busy today."

I looked at her pleading face until I sighed. "Fine, but you owe me one." She rolled her eyes, giving me a smile.

"Of course I do."

I got up, putting on a baseball cap, not really caring what I looked like as I walked outside and got in the car.

It took five minutes to arrive at the daycare. I just stared at the building in front of me, debating on whether or not I should go in. The last time I saw Tucker a kid barfed on me then our meeting ended when I ran out of the building crying.

I sighed as I quickly opened the door, not giving myself any more time to think. I slammed the door behind me, walking in the building, smiling at Pat as she called for the twins to come out.

I waited a few minutes, nervously pacing back and forth, my heart pounding, as I tried to decide what to say.

I heard the door open, and I quickly turned around to find the twins holding the hands of….


I was shocked, yet relieved, then disappointed that I didn’t get to see Tucker.

"Hey," Was all Miles said, looking around uncomfortably. "I didn’t know these were your sisters," He said.

Becka looked at him incredulously, "She’s our cousin." Wow, thanks, Becka.

I bit my lip, hoping not to get caught in a lie, so I changed the subject. "So, you work here now."

He nodded. "Tucker actually got me a job."

I raised an eyebrow, "Tucker?"

He let out a little chuckle as he said, "Actually, he and I are friends again."

"Wow, how did that happen, if you don’t mind me asking?"

He sighed. "Actually we just kind of ran into each other and started talking about Savannah."

I cleared my throat, remembering how the last time I had seen her, I punched her.

"How is Savannah?"

"Broken nose."

I put my head in my hands. "I am a horrible person." I muttered, but then I felt Miles’s hands on my shoulders.

I looked up at his smiling face. "A lot of people thought she deserved it. Don’t feel bad."

"But I do." I sighed, noticing his hands were still on my shoulders. "Um, Miles. I’m not really interested…"

He looked confused then looked down at his hands on my shoulders. "Oh, yeah, sorry. Megan, I’m actually glad to see you here because I want to apologize for what happened between us."

"Me too."

He nodded. "You stole the video, huh?" He gave a little smile.


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